Lanza posted on gun message boards

"I always prefer asking through proxy when I can avoid speaking to someone directly. I was just wondering if anyone knew because I have a fetish for .32 ACP,"


The name he used was "Kaynbred." Doesn't look like he ever posted here.
that POS doesnt deserve to be talked about

Hard to argue with that.... but I for one want to know why or any details.... and seeing as how it's been half a year and nothing coming from the officials and not sure I'll believe them anyway given their desire to use it as propaganda.
yeah i hear what your saying...i guess it is a double edged sword. one feeling you despise him and the other you wonder what made him tick
What I'd like to know is if anyone from the CSP forensics unit was ever able to find those posts. My gut says no. why? Because they're still up there. I'll bet 20 rounds of .40 S&W that the LEOS never saw those posts or any of the other ones he may have posted up over time. IF he posted these few he posted others.

Just an observation.

Lock and delete this thread. This POS shouldn't be remembered or discussed

So then don't remember or discuss him if it bothers you. Plug your ears and scream "La, la, la, la." Maybe then he'll go away.
From Kaynbred's oprofile here on NES:

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537 visits. If it's possible for mods or Derek to view ALL of those who visited the page wouldn't it narrow down some users on here who may be employed by some alphabet soup agency? Chances are they would have been some of the last to view the page before today, right?
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