Kuhner's Corner: Is Elizabeth Warren About To Spark A Civil War?

The funniest and most ironic thing is, I doubt that anyone can come up with a list of at least 2 things she has accomplished as a senator (same with Marlarky). [laugh]
it would never happen, even deep state would go against that. It would be too obvious go time and they prefer boiling the frog slowly, have been for decades.

Not so sure, maybe a civil war would be good for the Deep State, they could declare martial law or enact more draconian police state measures.
No. A lot of liberals are under the delusion that if Trump gets impeached or removed from office somehow, that Hillary Clinton would magically become the POTUS. I shit you not, I've literally had arguments with people who have claimed that want Trump to be impeached so Hillary would become President. They wouldn't accept the fact that if Trump is removed from office, Pence would be the next President. They had a very compelling argument for their side though...apparently I'm a dumb redneck racist because I don't agree with them...

They probably think if they can get into Ivy League schools with their below-average SATs and crappy grades, anything is possible.
Now all of a sudden the left likes Pence?!?
No, they'll be pissing and moaning about him too

Yup; all in the proper time, of course.

Pence would be praised as the savior of the Republic,
right up until 8AM Day One when he suddenly becomes evil incarnate.

ETA: But let that go.
Not so sure, maybe a civil war would be good for the Deep State, they could declare martial law or enact more draconian police state measures.

Except that the reality is that a civil war would not ensue, particularly if it meant that Pence would become president. If anything that kind of event would cement Pence getting back in and possibly another two terms of some president not "from the system". The deep state also is not one actor but a whole bunch of them, and most of them would stand to lose every time a non conventional politician makes it into
office. The whole thing would just piss off even more people, IMHO. It would just drive the fringe left soros types further into being irrelevant.

It's kind of like when some idiot jingoservative would say things like "I wish someone would take out Obummer!!" etc... I would say "What are you, f***ing crazy? Do you want a socialist in office for the next 16 years after they lionize his passage and grant him martyrdom? " Same thing exists with Trump, albeit with a different set of supporters etc. Removing trump from office the way lieawatha is talking about does not bear them fruit, it works against them. The smarter deep state types would prefer a centrist smelling, reasonable to middle america sounding, democrat to run in the next election so they can go back to the "stealing the radio while everyone is listening to it" game like they were used to. They made a huge error when they thought that Shitlery would easily fill this role. Of course to some degree, because of all of her corruption and shell-gaming, they didn't really have a choice. Of course one huge problem for the deep state is that the collection of characters within it are not necessarily in alignment with the entirety of either political party at this point. Honestly the only thing saving this country from total ruination is that, IMHO, there is a lot of chaos between the parties and the deep state actors. They're not all on the same page anymore. While soros et al push and promote the far left, for example, the DNC has to coddle other factions like other banksters and other miscreants, people who were all on board with Shitlery. That's why they got the DNC to rig the primary for her, because their influence, at the time, exceeded the far left faction.

One mistake a lot of people make IMO is that there is this presumption that the deep state is monolithic. It definitely isn't. If it was, it would have been powerful enough to easily screen Trump out of the election.

Warren says trump can’t have it both ways,

Same for her.

Either she applied to Harvard checking the Indian box,

Or she changed her ethnic box after she was hired as white to help Harvard stave off the rising criticism that they had not hired any minority American Indians , so she became one.

Cheating a real Indian out of a position.

Either way ,she is a fraud.
My worst nightmare is that she actually had a DNA test done proving she's native and it propels her into the Whitehouse. She's keeping the results secret and will release the results at the right time.

That puff piece the Globe did recently about Harvard not relying on her ethnicity when hiring her kinda revealed this.
Next time, tell them that...
-Trump gets impeached, Pence becomes President
-Pence pardons Trump and names him VP.
-Pence steps down and Trump is President again.
-Trump names Pence as VP.

Please take a vid as youre explaining this and post here.

Do you know the name of a good cleanup service to wipe the blood and brain tissue (if they even have any) off the walls after their head explodes when I tell them that scenario? That's some funny shit right there! [laugh2][rofl][laugh2]
Next time, tell them that...
-Trump gets impeached, Pence becomes President
-Pence pardons Trump and names him VP.
-Pence steps down and Trump is President again.
-Trump names Pence as VP.

Please take a vid as youre explaining this and post here.

I know you are joking... but now in curious...would that scenario be possible?
My worst nightmare is that she actually had a DNA test done proving she's native and it propels her into the Whitehouse. She's keeping the results secret and will release the results at the right time.

That puff piece the Globe did recently about Harvard not relying on her ethnicity when hiring her kinda revealed this.
Unless she spits in the machine on live TV I will call any evidence she presents Bullshit

I can get DNA results that says I'm 100% Apache by 3 o'clock.

My worst nightmare is that she actually had a DNA test done proving she's native and it propels her into the Whitehouse. She's keeping the results secret and will release the results at the right time.

That puff piece the Globe did recently about Harvard not relying on her ethnicity when hiring her kinda revealed this.

except the results would have to be verified. She can't just all of a sudden produce a fake certificate and then expect everyone to believe her. It would have to be above board from the beginning.

I know you are joking... but now in curious...would that scenario be possible?

Actually it can work. But you do need the senate to vote for confirmation.

Further, if this all happened in January, where Trump would not have served more than half his term, then, theoretically, trump could run for 2 more terms if he was appointed.

Maybe a constitutional lawyer could chime in.
except the results would have to be verified. She can't just all of a sudden produce a fake certificate and then expect everyone to believe her. It would have to be above board from the beginning.

Mighty naive of you!!
It worked for 0bama.

In Mass I do not think it's an issue one way or the other. Nationally and in the primary if she runs for potus the other democrats candidates will destroy her on that issue.

Majority of Mass loves to be lied to by their nazi leaders. So the test being valid or not is not going to matter for the senate run.

Ignorance is bliss and as long as the welfare and section 8 keep coming and the state mandates putting the less desirable types in more affluent towns and paying for brand new luxury apartments for them they will continue putting democrats on positions of power.

Even so, I would prefer the test be above board from the beginning.
Lol I saw that email, I still get a kick out of the name I signed up under. I wonder if after this post my email updates stop coming in from Hack-a-watha.View attachment 246497
Geez, she's really doubling down on this. I hope it backfires tremendously.
I also hope Diehl doesn't even mention the indian crap. If he sticks to the issues and this 25th amendment stuff he'll be fine.
Any mention of it anyway and she'll default to the Boston Globe "investigation" on it. It's a total dead end argument in this election.
Scott Brown hammered her on the indian stuff and it didn't do squat. He had his own deficiencies anyway, but it was front burner stuff back then and made no difference. At this point, in this state, it's old news. People know, and probably sick of hearing about it.
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