Knockout Game Comes to Cambridge

I was a convenience store the other night and heard the cashier talking to the woman in front of me about how a friend of hers was robbed at a store recently. When I stepped up I asked "So, you carrying?" In reply she lifted the bottom of her t shirt to show me her G19. I smiled and said "Ugly buy effective." She said "I keep the pretty ones at home. I don't mind getting this one dirty." [laugh] She had to be in her late 60s

Sounds like my Granny, she was pretty much carrying until right before she went into assisted living a couple years back.

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my favorite comment on the Herald story:

"3 Cambridge residents are not as liberal as they were yesterday."

Best comment.
A buddy of mine also just walking down the street got knocked out cold from a cheap shot to the back of the head a few years back, woke up with no wallet or phone. Scumbags everywhere.
Saw in the metro today that the CPD are saying they don't think this is related to the knockout game. Oh ok, I guess it's some other game related to cowardly sucker punching random people.

I can't wait to hear of a would-be-victim dumping a bunch of 45ACP into these pieces of shit one day.
I was with the wife on Sunday, she wanted to try ice skating on frog pond and then get a few drinks and see a movies at the boston common cinema. After ice skating we walked through the neighborhood looking for a decent watering hole and were walking up Tremont St, that sketchy little section between Park St and Beacon/School St. Some sketchy looking sons of Obama were looking me an wifey up and down and I just got a real bad feeling from them..Nothing happened but it was a good feeling having a hot G30 on my hip.
Maybe that poor thug is suffering from a lead deficiency. Hopefully that man finds someone who can remedy that.
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“We believe at this point, that these assaults were not a case of “Knockout”, but a situation where an individual who was either under the influence or suffering from some type of mental illness was responsible for the assaults,” Cambridge Police Deputy Superintendent Jack Albert told WBZ in an email.

He was under the influence. Therefore doesn't count. Apparently the real knockout perps are clean as a whistle.

Isn't there a line from the Afroman song that goes something like "I was gonna start contributing to society, but I got high. I wasn't gonna punch strangers in the face, but I got high."? I'd play that angle in my defense if I were that kid and I got caught and I was tried in court.
I'm sorry, but this is just not allowed in Cambridge. It's so uncouth. That poor fellow will need to vacate immediately.
Situational awareness is good and nice and all, but if you watch the video, you can see that there's no way you'd see that one coming. Unless you're an NES operator, of course. If you ventilate the guy, Al and Jesse will show up at your door with pitchforks and torches, Deval will call for more gun control, Linsky will wear black for a week as a sign of solidarity, and Obama will rally a few middle school kids and give a press conference just to say something really stupid.
Agreed. At some point, most all of us will be old, feeble, and have limited ability to defend ourselves.

don't even have to be old and feeble. Sometimes people just get the drop on you. I've seen big strong dude get knocked out with a single punch from a guy squared up and in front of him......from behind and unexpected, a lot of people can get knocked out pretty easily.

These people are such stupid pieces of shit. I bet a number of them don't realize how dangerous what they're doing is. they think it's for the lulz and to put on youtube and probably have no idea that a solid single blow to the head could kill someone or cause brain injury/broken face bones, etc.
This is why you NEED to always be aware of you're surroundings. Get your nose out of your iPhone and pay attention! That guy was walking up on them fast.....which would be noticeable. Situational awareness is the only way to prevent this!

not really....people walk fast on sidewalks all the time. I get annoyed every day with how slow people walk and therefore "walk up on" people "fast" all the time and then walk around them. I don't need situational awareness ninjas spinning around with their dukes up everytime I go to pass someone on the sidewalk....

This is kind of a blame the victim fail on your part...they got attacked from's noisy on MA Ave so they probably wouldn't have heard footsteps...I don't think you'd have seen it coming.
In reply she lifted the bottom of her t shirt to show me her G19. I smiled and said "Ugly buy effective." She said "I keep the pretty ones at home. I don't mind getting this one dirty." [laugh] She had to be in her late 60s

Isn't that exactly how the bad guy in Dirty Harry got a gun?

While I am a big fan of situational awareness, it's harder than you think to avoid a sucker punch.
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don't even have to be old and feeble. Sometimes people just get the drop on you. I've seen big strong dude get knocked out with a single punch from a guy squared up and in front of him......from behind and unexpected, a lot of people can get knocked out pretty easily.

I agree that situational awareness is often lacking. In this case, they had their nose in nothing, and the guy coming up behind them really wasn't moving that fast. They had just turned out of the shop and weren't up to speed yet. I like to think I keep an eye on my surroundings, but you cannot know where everyone is all the time. If you really think you know who is behind you at all times, you're likely wrong.

I have another way to prevent this - beat the POS cowards so badly that they no longer have the ability to harm someone again.

I wasn't specifically referring to this video when saying "get your nose out of your iPhone" I meant in general. MOST people you see can't keep their attention off of their phones (and I am certainly guilty of this!) Also....he was coming up pretty fast behind them....they slowed down the video to show the attack more clearly. Maybe they couldn't have heard him because of traffic noise or some other environmental noise but I still maintain that this "knockout game" can be prevented a lot of times by being aware of what is going on around you.
Maybe, maybe not.

I agree, there would have been some signs in the case that was caught on video. They had just walked out of the store. Unlike most people, Id assume most here walk out of a store onto a city street and take a quick look to the left and right and all around to see whats going on. I most certainly do look around and size up everyone. Seeing a thug right there, Id be taking little glances in that direction often as I walked. Somebody walking up on you faster than your pace should be heard or even felt as they get close enough. A combination of turning your head a bit and using your peripheral vision every few seconds will alert you to the presence of somebody.

Contrary to normal thinking on level of danger, desolate city streets are easiest to avoid something like this on. If somebody "comes out of nowhere" when its desolate, you are doing it wrong. No they did not, you failed to see them or failed to use due caution around a possible hiding place somebody could pop out of. Medium foot traffic, not that bad. High foot traffic, if you are watching and are suspicious of absolutely everyone behind you, you are gonna get tired quick and have many "false alarms".

The real solution to this would be for people to not be such sheep and be so scared of everything. We are so god damned soft as a society that we are not willing to fight for whats right even though, whether it be a tyrannical govt or a thug or 2 on the street, "we" far outnumber "them". Case in point a thug knocks somebody out in the middle of a crowded city street and 20+ people see it and fail to run the thug down. If I witness that, I'm going after the person and detaining them until the police arrive. I don't advocate the use of offensive violence but it will hurt and my fingers will be firmly pressed into some very painful pressure point and the idiots face in the ground for the 5 min before the cops arrive. All it takes is one willing party to sack up and chase the offender, 2 or 3 or more who are "on the fence" will jump in once somebody gets the ball rolling. Flight 93 anyone? I'm sure it was 1 or 2 that got the masses moving in sync.

The problem is most people don't think like you and I.....they will NEVER act to help someone. Sheep are afraid of the ramifications. That guy could have been beating the hell out of that victim and his g/f / wife and most people would stand there and watch unfortunately. We need more people that are not afraid to react to evil with force.
Sounds like my Granny, she was pretty much carrying until right before she went into assisted living a couple years back.

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Best comment.

not really....people walk fast on sidewalks all the time. I get annoyed every day with how slow people walk and therefore "walk up on" people "fast" all the time and then walk around them. I don't need situational awareness ninjas spinning around with their dukes up everytime I go to pass someone on the sidewalk....

This is kind of a blame the victim fail on your part...they got attacked from's noisy on MA Ave so they probably wouldn't have heard footsteps...I don't think you'd have seen it coming.

First of all...I never said anything about "ninja spinning around with my dukes up" any time someone walks by. That implies that I am paranoid...I am not. Having situational awareness and being paranoid often get confused. They are 2 completely different things.

While I agree that traffic noise / other environmental noises probably prevented them from hearing that guy walking up behind them, that does not change my stance of always knowing what is going on around you. If I came off as blaming these people for what happened to them I apologize...I did not mean that at all. I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was saying.
First of all...I never said anything about "ninja spinning around with my dukes up" any time someone walks by. That implies that I am paranoid...I am not. Having situational awareness and being paranoid often get confused. They are 2 completely different things.

While I agree that traffic noise / other environmental noises probably prevented them from hearing that guy walking up behind them, that does not change my stance of always knowing what is going on around you. If I came off as blaming these people for what happened to them I apologize...I did not mean that at all. I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was saying.

You can't always know what is around you. You can do your best, but it won't be always, because you don't have eyes in the back of your head.
Most people are walking around like zombies. Looking at and concentrating on their phones rather than paying attention. There could be a tank coming down the sidewalk and they would not notice until they walked into it.
You mean they're not paying attention??

Most people are walking around like zombies. Looking at and concentrating on their phones rather than paying attention. There could be a tank coming down the sidewalk and they would not notice until they walked into it.

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Most people are walking around like zombies. Looking at and concentrating on their phones rather than paying attention. There could be a tank coming down the sidewalk and they would not notice until they walked into it.

This^. I have worked in places that are dangerous,overhead cranes and heavy trucks. I am like an owl when I am awake.
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