Knockout Game Comes to Cambridge

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Most people are walking around like zombies. Looking at and concentrating on their phones rather than paying attention. There could be a tank coming down the sidewalk and they would not notice until they walked into it.

Exactly my point....thank you for understanding what I was trying to say.
I was with the wife on Sunday, she wanted to try ice skating on frog pond and then get a few drinks and see a movies at the boston common cinema. After ice skating we walked through the neighborhood looking for a decent watering hole and were walking up Tremont St, that sketchy little section between Park St and Beacon/School St. Some sketchy looking sons of Obama were looking me an wifey up and down and I just got a real bad feeling from them..Nothing happened but it was a good feeling having a hot G30 on my hip.

I'd be careful CCing on Boston Common...That's a "gun free zone."
You can't always know what is around you. You can do your best, but it won't be always, because you don't have eyes in the back of your head.

You could wire a pair of Google Glasses to a small camera facing behind you and then you would, in fact, have eyes in the back of your head... [smile]
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