Joe Biden Confused About Gun Control

I love how he referenced the reasonable limits that are already in place, i.e. civillians can't own fully automatic weapons, or tanks, or an F16. And how clearly the limits on magazine capacity would save lives, if only they had to change them more often. Guess he didn't have time to compare the death tolls between Newtown (AR and 20 killed), Aurora (AR and 12 killed), and VT (P22, G19, 19 magazines and 32 killed).
What an effin tool.
So if double-barrel shotguns are so much more effective, why aren't they banning those? And is the military going to start carrying them? Oh, Joe. Maybe you should swing by Palin's house for some edumacation.
Joe Biden is Vice-President for a reason; every time 0bama does something that would have gotten Bush Impeached by a Republican House, they say ohh, wait, Joe Biden - better leave it alone.
Made me want to puke just listening to him. I can't believe people can be that downright stupid and hold public office.

What is the reason people seek public office? In most cases it is not money - a lot of these guys did or can make way more in the private sector. Power/control is what they are after. So, it should not suprise any of us that they try and grab as much power as they can through every means they can.

We all know that Joe Biden is about as useful as a poopie flavored lollipop.
If you put a micro phone in Joe Biden's head all you would hear would be one long continuous fart.
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Will VP Biden be suggesting that the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team switch over to the more useful dbl barrel shotguns?

No legislation needed, Obama just needs to tell Atny Genl Holder to do it.

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