Jim Gettens running against Hank Naughton

From Jim's web page:

SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS I support fully citizens’ Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. Massachusetts’ onerous and inane anti-law-abiding-citizens firearms laws, particularly provisions embodied in the draconian Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998, should be abolished. Any Massachusetts resident not convicted of a violent crime or felony, who has not been treated for a mental illness involving a risk of harm to himself/herself or others, who is not an illegal narcotics user, and who passes an NRA-certified firearms safety course, should be entitled to own and possess firearms at home and carry a firearm concealed for all lawful purposes. I disagree with any Massachusetts or federal laws to the contrary.

The Massachusetts Firearms Record Bureau, reported by the Boston Globe in 1996 to have sent our firearms ownership records to the federal BATF for micro-filming (federal law prohibits compilation of federal government firearm-owner registries), should be abolished and its records destroyed. The vast majority of states do not have firearm-owner registries. The Massachusetts Attorney General's firearms regulations should likewise be abolished.

The Attorney General regulations are so arbitrary and capricious that they deem pistol makes specifically evaluated and chosen by our Army, Marine, Navy, and Air Force Special Operations Forces for their reliability, safety, and accuracy, to be of sub-standard quality not fit for sale here!
THIS is what we're talking about folks!!!!

Let's try to get someone like this to run for every seat which is open in the MA Senate and legislature.

Thanks for the heads up, Jon.
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