I came home last night and as usual I got that excited feeling in the pit of my stomach on my walk to the mailbox. That feeling I usually get that is quickly crushed and leaves me a little pissed off. The feeling I am talking about is of course the feeling I get when I get excited to FINALLY see that envelope from the PD containing my new license. Well last night was a LOT different. I opened the mailbox and what was sitting there on top?? the envelope I have been patiently waiting for since I applied for my renewal/upgrade since JAN!
I quickly opened the envelope to find my Class A LTC ALP!!!
I think I actually yelled out in excitement!
So I rushed inside dropped the rest of the mail on the kitchen counter and had a victory beer just sitting starring at my new license.
Of course after the beer I made my way to AG Guns and Ammo and a brand new Walther P99 in .40 S&W with the military O.D green frame followed me home along with a few different types of ammo to test out. I am soooooooo excited to FINALLY own this gun, and now to get out and actually have some personal 1-on-1 time with it!
Now for a question...
The personal protection ammo that was recommended for me to get along with this gun was Remington Golden Saber 180 Grain brass jacketed HP. Anyone else here use this stuff before? What else do you recommend?
I also got a couple boxes of range ammo I picked up some Remington UMC and a box of Wolf both 180 Grain.. What do you all recommend for range ammo?
Adam (one happy camper)
I quickly opened the envelope to find my Class A LTC ALP!!!
I think I actually yelled out in excitement!
So I rushed inside dropped the rest of the mail on the kitchen counter and had a victory beer just sitting starring at my new license.
Of course after the beer I made my way to AG Guns and Ammo and a brand new Walther P99 in .40 S&W with the military O.D green frame followed me home along with a few different types of ammo to test out. I am soooooooo excited to FINALLY own this gun, and now to get out and actually have some personal 1-on-1 time with it!
Now for a question...
The personal protection ammo that was recommended for me to get along with this gun was Remington Golden Saber 180 Grain brass jacketed HP. Anyone else here use this stuff before? What else do you recommend?
I also got a couple boxes of range ammo I picked up some Remington UMC and a box of Wolf both 180 Grain.. What do you all recommend for range ammo?
Adam (one happy camper)