Italy Fears ISIS Invasion From Libya

By then romes capital was Constantinople. And Rome wasn't really Rome anymore, because it had fallen.
True, but what does Mohammed know. He was probably backwards even in his own time :)
The Rome argument comes from this opinion:
Why Does ISIS Keep making Enemies

The name of the Dabiq magazine itself helps us understand ISIS' worldview. The Syrian town of Dabiq is where the Prophet Mohammed is supposed to have predicted that the armies of Islam and "Rome" would meet for the final battle that will precede the end of time and the triumph of true Islam.
In the recent issue of Dabiq it states: "As the world progresses towards al-Malhamah al-Kubrā, ('the Great Battle' to be held at Dabiq) the option to stand on the sidelines as a mere observer is being lost." In other words, in its logic, you are either on the side of ISIS or you are on the side of the Crusaders and infidels.
As I said in June.... This is WWIII but no one has the balls to say it.

I said to a classmate on 9/11/01 that "We're witnessing the beginning of World War III today", and it was laughed off. Everything we've been seeing over the past 13.5 years has only gone to support that statement. America's military has been stretched thin over the past decade and Americans are wary of getting into any new conflicts. Europe has for the most part demilitarized over the past few decades, relying on a strong American presence. Some reports indicate that many European countries have "no-go" zones where the countries laws have no bearing, that are great harbors for invaders. Recent events have led some countries to question their modern pacifist policies (i.e. Japan) in the wake of atrocities committed by the IS...and the daily reports of public massacres, beheadings and immolations of innocent people are only serving to fuel that public opinion across the civilized world. Very soon, we're going to reach a tipping point, and it will become obvious to everyone that we've been fighting WWIII for over a decade now.

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Did ISIS acquire a navy with amphibious landing craft?

With no real coastal defense, all they'd need is inner-tubes and rowboats.
Pete85;4353816]I said to a classmate on 9/11/01 that "We're witnessing the beginning of World War III today", and it was laughed off. Everything we've been seeing over the past 13.5 years has only gone to support that statement. America's military has been stretched thin over the past decade and Americans are wary of getting into any new conflicts. Europe has for the most part demilitarized over the past few decades, relying on a strong American presence. Some reports indicate that many European countries have "no-go" zones where the countries laws have no bearing, that are great harbors for invaders. Recent events have led some countries to question their modern pacifist policies (i.e. Japan) in the wake of atrocities committed by the IS...and the daily reports of public massacres, beheadings and immolations of innocent people are only serving to fuel that public opinion across the civilized world. Very soon, we're going to reach a tipping point, and it will become obvious to everyone that we've been fighting WWIII for over a decade now.
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You are falling to the media hype, 24/7 news access & the military industrial complex. The Second Congo War 1998-2003 involved 9 nations and killed 5,400,000 million people. Have you even heard of that war? I'm sure if we had youtube and facebook posting of atrocities committed back then you would have been saying the same thing. The Frenchman could probably tell us about it?
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Those guys who shot up Hebdo in Paris didn't parachute in. French probably paid them to come and stay on their welfare.

This. ISIS doesn't need a navy as the Italian taxpayer will buy them a plane ticket, buy them groceries and pay their rent while they plan their global caliphate.

This is not going to be a rerun of WW2. Italy has already lost WW3 as the country is utterly in the grip of cultural Marxism like the rest of Europe and now also the USA. Italy has the lowest birth rate in Europe, a total fertility rate of 1.2 for the native Italians. That means your population falls by at least 40 percent each generation - say every 30 years. The Italians will disappear in exactly the same way the Romans did, no more children and poof, gone.

The questions to ask are who are the architects of cultural Marxism and how do they benefit from this.
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You are falling to the media hype, 24/7 news access & the military industrial complex. The Second Congo War 1998-2003 involved 9 nations and killed 5,400,000 million people. Have you even heard of that war?

Nobody cares about what happens in sub-Saharan Africa. WW3 is more of a cultural war than a shooting war. Doesn't mean it won't go hot at some point. So far we're losing.

Oh yeah, and while I'm beating a dead horse, a good number of the black pajama clad ISIS dudes are European citizens, "British" even, on a murder vacation in Iraq doing to Iraqi Christians what they'd like to do to European Christians but can't.....yet.
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Good article, everyone needs to read this.

Why Does ISIS Keep making Enemies

The name of the Dabiq magazine itself helps us understand ISIS' worldview. The Syrian town of Dabiq is where the Prophet Mohammed is supposed to have predicted that the armies of Islam and "Rome" would meet for the final battle that will precede the end of time and the triumph of true Islam.
In the recent issue of Dabiq it states: "As the world progresses towards al-Malhamah al-Kubrā, ('the Great Battle' to be held at Dabiq) the option to stand on the sidelines as a mere observer is being lost." In other words, in its logic, you are either on the side of ISIS or you are on the side of the Crusaders and infidels.
... Oh yeah, and while I'm beating a dead horse, a good number of the black pajama clad ISIS dudes are European citizens, "British" even, on a murder vacation in Iraq doing to Iraqi Christians what they'd like to do to European Christians but can't.....yet.

yes, because Euros didn't blow them enough and didn't change their culture enough, so angry unemployed "peaceful moslems" seek vengeance.
Nobody cares about what happens in sub-Saharan Africa. WW3 is more of a cultural war than a shooting war. Doesn't mean it won't go hot at some point. So far we're losing.

Oh yeah, and while I'm beating a dead horse, a good number of the black pajama clad ISIS dudes are European citizens, "British" even, on a murder vacation in Iraq doing to Iraqi Christians what they'd like to do to European Christians but can't.....yet.

Our Army is losing the War on Terror? I don't think so. Our Army is the finest in the world, probably in the history of the world. What battles have we lost? Our politicians won't let us fight the war to win it (Total War).
The public might be tired of endless war in foreign lands. I don't doubt for one minute that if a shooting war came to our shores that the citizens of this country wouldn't rise up and fight.
So it looks like mainland southern Europe is easy pickings for ISIS while the progressive-socialists in Europe bend over backwards to appease the beast. All of this should be sounding familiar to anyone who knows history. The world is about to undergo a radical realignment. What is Italy going to do when ISIS rides in, and there ain't nobody to even shoot back but the Swiss Guard at the Vatican? And Obama and his mentally ill, socialist-progressive sycophants continue to degrade and demoralize the "evil" US Military, and collapse the US economy via stupid wealth redistribution and cultural assassination policies...

ROME — Last weekend in Italy, as the threat of ISIS in Libya hit home with a new video addressed to “the nation signed with the blood of the cross” and the warning, “we are south of Rome,” Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi shuttered up the Italian embassy in Tripoli and raised his fist with the threat of impending military action. Never mind that Italy has only 5,000 troops available that are even close to deployable, according to the defense ministry. Or that the military budget was cut by 40 percent two years ago, which has kept the acquisition of 90 F-35 fighter jets hanging in the balance and left the country combat-challenged to lead any mission—especially one against an enemy like the Islamic State.

In fact, Renzi didn’t specify exactly who would wield that military might, and, two days later, when no one volunteered to lead the charge, he backtracked.

Easy pickings?

Again - as I've repeated over and over and over again :

- Show me on Google maps where the ISIS navy is moored......

- Show me the air bases where all of the ISIS air force planes are parked......

- Show me the satellite photos of the large ISIS infantry columns training for invasion......

What? What's that I hear? You can't find them?

Well that's because they don't ****ing exist.

You see the problem here isn't ISIS - the problem is very easy to point out every time one of these threads pops up - IT'S THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SCARED OF ISIS.
Easy pickings?

Again - as I've repeated over and over and over again :

- Show me on Google maps where the ISIS navy is moored......

- Show me the air bases where all of the ISIS air force planes are parked......

- Show me the satellite photos of the large ISIS infantry columns training for invasion......

What? What's that I hear? You can't find them?

Well that's because they don't ****ing exist.

You see the problem here isn't ISIS - the problem is very easy to point out every time one of these threads pops up - IT'S THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SCARED OF ISIS.

where were the german arms after wwi?

1st step is to acquire money and territory and money

they already have arms and light armor taken from those they have vanquished

they will never have a capable force until they acquire nuclear deterrent

and then?

who will stop iran from growing their military onced they have the bomb?

think longer term - then again there will always be those who say there is no threat right now no matter how far along their military development

you know like germany and Japan were before early wwii

like russia last year

like china now

like isis tomorrow
Our Army is losing the War on Terror? I don't think so. Our Army is the finest in the world, probably in the history of the world. What battles have we lost? Our politicians won't let us fight the war to win it (Total War).
The public might be tired of endless war in foreign lands. I don't doubt for one minute that if a shooting war came to our shores that the citizens of this country wouldn't rise up and fight.

This is the crux of the issue. Pre-emptive war is not seen as justifiable by most people. It means that yes, we do need to wait to be attacked before we go to war. While you can argue pretty successfully that Wilson and FDR were pushing the US toward war during WWI and WWII respectively, the American people were not behind it until we were attacked directly.

Many people who were against Iraq were ok with Afghanistan because Afghanistan is where the terrorists who actually attacked us were training and housed. So the justification was more easily seen.

If you want to have a war with ISIS, you need to be ok with Americans dying over here first. There will never be support for such a war unless we are directly attacked. Yes that means Americans will die. Such is life.

Do not forget though that the US created ISIS (Syrian Rebels). So if ISIS does attack the US should we go after ourselves?
I doubt that comment. Europe would once again ask for our 100% commitment to their 10% commitment. Europe can fight their own wars for all the nasty comments about us being world policeman. They forget who keeps asking us to visit them... screw Europe let them put their Big Boy Pants on and back up their own words for a change!

This is a problem that the Western world has created for itself by going to war so goddamed often.

Pop quiz: who gets drafted into an army and then dumped into a hole in the ground when they're all dead?

Is it the welfare layabouts and the dregs of society - or is it all the young healthy males who would be the ones to build and maintain a vibrant civilization and culture?

Next question: How many millions of these males were killed off during WW1 and WW2? Answer: A whole shitload of them.

Next question: who takes over after you kill off all the you males? Answer - whoever is left behind.

Last question: Why the **** do you think a society won't go down the crapper when you keep doing this over and over again?

Then what you're left with is a bunch of people who are scared of an "army" that is nothing much more than a bunch of guys running around in the desert with pickup trucks and AK's.

Which is another way of saying - ISIS is NOT the problem here. It's the fact that Western countries have turned into a bunch of scared pussies - this one included.
A few fishing boats are all they need to launch Mumbai style attacks. If 2 guys can tie up most of Paris what do you think platoon of coordinated terrorists could pull off every other week in coastal areas? This is really bad news.

Remember they want to cause terror and disruption. They don't need to hold territory or deal with long term logistics like a real army. No fear of death either makes them not looking to retreat or have a way home.

I don't even want to think what they would do to some of the cruise ships and ferries in the Mediterranean. The disruption to shipping alone would be a big issue since the shipping and cruise lines are such pansies about providing armed security.

Again - ISIS is not the problem here.

What you're claiming we should be so afraid of - is not much different than what has been happening off the coast of Somalia with the pirates.

What did Western countries do? They cried every time it happened. What did the Russians do? They shot that shit up.

WHen you combine your own government SUPPORTING ISIS, and also SUPPORTING the countries that support ISIS (like Saudi Arabia), with the fact that these very same countries are full of people who want "diversity" - and bitch and moan every time an enemy gets mistreated - the TRUE problem is not ISIS - it's in the mirror.
ISIS has plenty of recruits already in place. I don't think that they have formal boot camp with goat raping obstacles and official graduation ceremony.

Those guys who shot up Hebdo in Paris didn't parachute in. French probably paid them to come and stay on their welfare.

Just like how France was in large part defeated by Germany because there were internal politics that actually WANTED the Germans to come in - that is what is happening in Western countries all over again.

We're killing ourselves. It's not an ISIS problem.
WWW3 is a bunch of guys in the middle of the desert with pickup trucks and AK's?


Some of them have DShK ... just saying

I'd love to run around a desert with a DShK [laugh]

I think that would require our Commander in Chief to declare war. Do you think he's going to do that?

That's a serious question based upon his actions to date.

You don't know what the process for LEGALLY declaring war is in this country if that is what you think.
Our Army is losing the War on Terror? I don't think so. Our Army is the finest in the world, probably in the history of the world. What battles have we lost? Our politicians won't let us fight the war to win it (Total War).
The public might be tired of endless war in foreign lands. I don't doubt for one minute that if a shooting war came to our shores that the citizens of this country wouldn't rise up and fight.

God, where to start with this? The War On Terror is a fiction invented by the military industrial complex and the alphabet agencies so they can keep their jobs, with a whole bunch of behind the scenes help from various vested interests who variously want to make money and to f@ck up the Middle East.

Meanwhile the actual war is taking place every day at the borders of every European country and at the borders of the USA. That war we're losing.
This. ISIS doesn't need a navy as the Italian taxpayer will buy them a plane ticket, buy them groceries and pay their rent while they plan their global caliphate.

This is not going to be a rerun of WW2. Italy has already lost WW3 as the country is utterly in the grip of cultural Marxism like the rest of Europe and now also the USA. Italy has the lowest birth rate in Europe, a total fertility rate of 1.2 for the native Italians. That means your population falls by at least 40 percent each generation - say every 30 years. The Italians will disappear in exactly the same way the Romans did, no more children and poof, gone.

The questions to ask are who are the architects of cultural Marxism and how do they benefit from this.

Our Army is losing the War on Terror? I don't think so. Our Army is the finest in the world, probably in the history of the world. What battles have we lost? Our politicians won't let us fight the war to win it (Total War).
The public might be tired of endless war in foreign lands. I don't doubt for one minute that if a shooting war came to our shores that the citizens of this country wouldn't rise up and fight.

You can't have a "War on Terror" - it's like having a "War on Tank Battles" - it makes no sense.
Guys, I'm going to add an old man's perspective to this discussion. I agree with much that has been said here with regard to sticking our collective noses into business that's not ours and we seem to always be afraid of things that are happening thousands of mile away. That being said, the Nazi rise to power was very was the Japanese in the 1930's. Did the US exacerbate this? Yeah but at some point we were dragged into things once they got out of hand and the problem became global. Remember, back in those days we had no internet and news traveled at a snail's pace compared to today. The challenge today is that things can escalate very quickly and word travels at the speed of light. If things got out of hand today, we have virtually NO time to react. Are these guys as organized as say a Nazi Germany or a 1930's Japan? No, but the weapons of today are much more dangerous and much more capable of doing wide spread damage. If they get their hands on some of them we'll be in a very bad spot. Sometimes the way to stop a disaster from happening is to keep things in check as long as possible. That being said, I think things will probably explode globally at some point....but that's just me....the eternal optimist [rofl]
You can't have a "War on Terror" - it's like having a "War on Tank Battles" - it makes no sense.

Thank you.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." -- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
I'd rather see war on politicians, hang traitors, abolish laws infringing on constitution ... shit would get much peachier with or without ISIS.

Now that's change I can believe in [wink]

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Thank you.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." -- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

Herman Goering's logic and opinion......not meant for human consumption
where were the german arms after wwi?

1st step is to acquire money and territory and money

they already have arms and light armor taken from those they have vanquished

they will never have a capable force until they acquire nuclear deterrent

and then?

who will stop iran from growing their military onced they have the bomb?

think longer term - then again there will always be those who say there is no threat right now no matter how far along their military development

you know like germany and Japan were before early wwii

like russia last year

like china now

like isis tomorrow

You apparently have no grasp of history or what it takes to support a world-invading army.

The German Navy was surrendered after WW1. What they did not surrender - they scuttled simply so the Allies wouldn't get them.

But yet 20 years later - the Germans had a navy again. And just a few years after that they were sending hundreds of submarines across the globe sinking allied ships by the thousands. Why was that? Because the Germans still had shipyards. And engineering competence. And steel mills. And iron ore mines. And competence. And engineering skills. And a consolidated political structure.

Apparently I have to repeat myself over and over again. Show me on the map where ANY of the Arab states have ANY of this.

The pussies in this country have been whining about Iran "getting the bomb" for longer than I can remember. It's probably been at least 15 years now. Our own CIA has said over and over again that they don't have one - and they're not close to getting one. And WTF does "getting the bomb" have to do with building an army? What - the bomb somehow shows up in their hands and then an army magically follows after that? What you're saying makes absolutely no sense.

Iran is also a dying country - their birthrate is falling. They've got massive internal,social, political - and economic problems. Iran is NOT a threat to this country. Get a clue.

Iran is direct enemy of Saudi Arabia. Shiites and Sunnis hate each other. Do you even know the difference? Where is Iran going to go with this military you claim we should be all scared of? They're surrounded by Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan - and Russia. Again - where is the damn navy? You really think Iran is going to send some world class navy out into the open ocean thru the Straights of Hormuz?

I don't think so.

I keep hearing people CONSTANTLY whine and complain about terrorists - and Iran - and terrorists - and Iran - and terrorists - and ISIS - and Iran - and terrorists - and ISIS.

Just about every single time I see somebody bitching about this - they have no clue on what they're talking about. You're apparently one of them.

And I'll throw this in - because it's true. You guys are a bigger threat to THIS country - than the whole lot of them. Because YOU people are the ones who will support every single tyrannical thing OUR government does - because you're so scared of boogeymen that you'll give up everything to be "protected".

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

- Benjamin Franklin (Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, Tue, Nov 11, 1755)

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM HERE - not ISIS, not Iran - and not "terrorism".

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Guys, I'm going to add an old man's perspective to this discussion. I agree with much that has been said here with regard to sticking our collective noses into business that's not ours and we seem to always be afraid of things that are happening thousands of mile away. That being said, the Nazi rise to power was very was the Japanese in the 1930's. Did the US exacerbate this? Yeah but at some point we were dragged into things once they got out of hand and the problem became global. Remember, back in those days we had no internet and news traveled at a snail's pace compared to today. The challenge today is that things can escalate very quickly and word travels at the speed of light. If things got out of hand today, we have virtually NO time to react. Are these guys as organized as say a Nazi Germany or a 1930's Japan? No, but the weapons of today are much more dangerous and much more capable of doing wide spread damage. If they get their hands on some of them we'll be in a very bad spot. Sometimes the way to stop a disaster from happening is to keep things in check as long as possible. That being said, I think things will probably explode globally at some point....but that's just me....the eternal optimist [rofl]

Germany and Japan were both world powers. The "conquered" territory by force of arms and national might.


I am getting sick and tired of hearing the comparison made . It's bullshit.
You apparently have no grasp of history or what it takes to support a world-invading army.

The German Navy was surrendered after WW1. What they did not surrender - they scuttled simply so the Allies wouldn't get them.

But yet 20 years later - the Germans had a navy again. And just a few years after that they were sending hundreds of submarines across the globe sinking allied ships by the thousands. Why was that? Because the Germans still had shipyards. And engineering competence. And steel mills. And iron ore mines. And competence. And engineering skills. And a consolidated political structure.

Apparently I have to repeat myself over and over again. Show me on the map where ANY of the Arab states have ANY of this.

The pussies in this country have been whining about Iran "getting the bomb" for longer than I can remember. It's probably been at least 15 years now. Our own CIA has said over and over again that they don't have one - and they're not close to getting one. And WTF does "getting the bomb" have to do with building an army? What - the bomb somehow shows up in their hands and then an army magically follows after that? What you're saying makes absolutely no sense.

Iran is also a dying country - their birthrate is falling. They've got massive internal,social, political - and economic problems. Iran is NOT a threat to this country. Get a clue.

Iran is direct enemy of Saudi Arabia. Shiites and Sunnis hate each other. Do you even know the difference? Where is Iran going to go with this military you claim we should be all scared of? They're surrounded by Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan - and Russia. Again - where is the damn navy? You really think Iran is going to send some world class navy out into the open ocean thru the Straights of Hormuz?

I don't think so.

I keep hearing people CONSTANTLY whine and complain about terrorists - and Iran - and terrorists - and Iran - and terrorists - and ISIS - and Iran - and terrorists - and ISIS.

Just about every single time I see somebody bitching about this - they have no clue on what they're talking about. You're apparently one of them.

And I'll throw this in - because it's true. You guys are a bigger threat to THIS country - than the whole lot of them. Because YOU people are the ones who will support every single tyrannical thing OUR government does - because you're so scared of boogeymen that you'll give up everything to be "protected".

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM HERE - not ISIS, not Iran - and not "terrorism".

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Germany and Japan were both world powers. The "conquered" territory by force of arms and national might.


I am getting sick and tired of hearing the comparison made . It's bullshit.

Sir, let's agree to disagree. We both have opinions and it appears ours are polarized.

You apparently have no grasp of history or what it takes to support a world-invading army.

The pussies in this country have been whining

What you're saying makes absolutely no sense.

Get a clue.

Do you even know the difference?

I don't think so.

I keep hearing people CONSTANTLY whine and complain about terrorists - and Iran - and terrorists - and Iran - and terrorists - and ISIS - and Iran - and terrorists - and ISIS.

Just about every single time I see somebody bitching about this - they have no clue on what they're talking about. You're apparently one of them.

And I'll throw this in - because it's true. You guys are a bigger threat to THIS country - than the whole lot of them. Because YOU people are the ones who will support every single tyrannical thing OUR government does - because you're so scared of boogeymen that you'll give up everything to be "protected".

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM HERE - not ISIS, not Iran - and not "terrorism".

Germany and Japan were both world powers. The "conquered" territory by force of arms and national might.


I am getting sick and tired of hearing the comparison made . It's bullshit.

you dont know me from adam
you are an insulting prick with an elitist opinion
if you are so tired of saying things and hearing the comparisons then move on dont suppose that you are gods gift to rational talk while you are flinging insults
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