Israeli Naval Commandos

Highly offensive pun redacted here.

They're good at shooting Turkish and American peace activists bringing relief supplies to Occupied Territories. [rolleyes]


I didn't know much about them, but judging by all you read about them, they sound pretty bad ass to me.

Rigorous selection process, lengthy, highly stressful training, and most importantly they are very active. There is no substitute for seasoned combat veterans. Know why the Legion is so bad ass? Because they are always fighting.
They are also well funded and equipped. Parachuting, diving, demolition and weapons training as well Krav Maga hand to hand training.

I don't know any, but they sure do sound like straight up Frogmen to me.

I have always felt that Israel's military is pound for pound one of the best in the world. Being a tiny spec surround by dozens of nations and hundreds of millions of people who want to literally exterminate every man woman and child in your country, is probably highly motivational.
One of the few things in life other than death and taxes I am sure of you don't want any branch of the Israeli military PO at you cause the will find you and punch your ticket with out shedding a tear.
How can they not be first rate? If they're not, they'll be overrun by millions of stone age, savages-er-I mean disadvantaged refuges-to-be, validated and embraced by the Traitor In Chief!
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