Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don't happen in other countries?

Mass killings happened in Norway, almost happened in France on that train, Australia AFTER the ban. It's bullshit. It's not guns here that causes this, but they all assume it's easy.

Guess what? The UK, Australia and Japan are surrounded by water! We have a huge connected landmass with country lines, you could never eliminate gun ownership or possession here. So how about we end the war on drugs, deal with mental health and solve the problems that cause the violence? Jailing endlessly doesn't work, prohibition doesn't work, solve the real problems. Banning shit is for people who want to fail at their agenda.
Of course shootings and murders by dictator, communist, socialist, terrorist led countries are probably not counted because those are all government sponsored. :)

What I would love to see is the media site only shootings by legal gun owners and that were non-defensive. Per capita on that ought to put US way down the list. But that wouldn't make for sensational headlines in the tabloid-based, fact-less world we now live in.

I want to hear a candidate say this... China, Russia, most of Africa, or any Islamic country de jour kill more innocents in a day than we loose to shootings by legal gun owners in a year. How's that for an unsubstantiated claim?
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