Intersting Find on mASS BACWORDS's Website

May 5, 2005
Vermont, a Free State
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Boston wasn't the shock. Champlain Valley (where I live) was the shock for me. I figured the rest of the country got high far more than my locals.

"The regions with the 10 highest and lowest rates of marijuana use by residents 12 and over, according to a report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:


Boston, 12.16 percent
Boulder, Colo., 10.3 percent
Southeast Massachusetts, 9.53 percent
Portland, Ore., region, 9.48
Champlain Valley, Vt., 9.37 percent
San Francisco region, 9.24 percent
Hawaii Island, 9.22 percent
Central Massachusetts, 9 percent
North Central California, 8.93 percent
Washington, R.I., 8.81 percent"
That doesn't surprise me. My former brother in-laws were both a couple of pot-head winners and they moved to VT "because it's free man" [roll]
They do have a good point. We are pretty much left alone up here. Not many cops, but don't screw up, your neighbors will get you, if you're a real POS. I live in a nice safe village.

Of course, I may be part of the reason it's safe. I'm better armed than your average "Woodchuck".

Thinking of that, looks like I'm the only one here that admits to being a Woodchuck.
I was actually a little surprised to see Boston at the top of the list.

But then how else do you explain an electorate that keeps politicians like Kennedy, Kerry, Tierney, Markey, Reilly et al in office??
Not to hijack the thread but all the stuff in the news about the SC ruling that people can be procescuted where growing and smoking pot for medical purposes is legal has me kinda miffed.
Not the ruling but the growing and smoking part. From my formative years, I learned the the active ingredient in marijuana is THC. Now when I was in school, THC was a "buck a hit". Why do people have to grow and smoke it? Isn't THC in tab form still available? Was the THC back then produced by drug companies? Is it gone now because the DEA or someone decided that there was no medical use?
Sign me......
"Kinda Foggy on THC"
masochusetts said:
But then how else do you explain an electorate that keeps politicians like Kennedy, Kerry, Tierney, Markey, Reilly et al in office??

That's why Boston didn't shock me. Actually, with those names, I'd suspect ALCOHOL more. Those boys are insult to us "honest Irishmen". I'm 25% Mick and proud of it.
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