Interesting Mass Appeals Court Decision - Boston LTC

There are some missing pieces to this story. If Phipps had requested a business restriction he would probably have received it and saved himself a lot of money. Everyone in Boston is well aware of the default issuance of target and sport. If you supply bank deposit records, and a copy of the police report of the robbery with the application, Lt McDonough will give unrestricted serious consideration. But you still have to get past his personal interview. If his spidey sense goes off you get restricted.

I don't think BPD will change it's unwritten licensing policies at all. This opinion is not binding precedent. Merely persuasive. Most people are not going to drop 20 grand to change an arbitrary restriction.
Why would it cost 20k to fight a restriction?
This guy had his license revoked in 2013. It's now 2019. So he's been fighting it out for 5.5+ years.

Remember that the next time you think "we'll overturn it in court."
and shown substantial need. NO NEED for that BS. Yea, yea I know
Why would it cost 20k to fight a restriction?

District Court; 4 hours prep, 3 hours in court
Superior Court; 8 hours prep, 3 in court
Appeals Court; 20 hours prep, 4 in court
Office visits, misc; 4 hours
Total: 46 hours @ $300/hr = ~$14,000.
Boston @ $400/hr = ~$18,500

What are the chances of prevailing at District or Superior? (and keep in mind, lawyers are paid by the hour. Every court appearance is simply to agree to a postponement) (but if you want to give me a fixed price on a restriction appeal...[smile])
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