I won't shoot reloads.. Am I being unreasonable?

Do what makes you comfortable. If more people listened to their gut instincts me thinks we'd live in a better world.
i'm not into differing with you, its a free country. If you choose to shoot factory ammo

do it.

as for me i reload, it saves money, i enjoy it, and i can make custom loads.
no, I wasn't clear..I won't shoot anyone's reloands..

That is a decision you need to make for yourself. I started reloading in 1976. I have shot a lot of reloaded ammo and have never had a catastrophic failure. I have had squibs and still carry a squib rod but you can pretty much tell and in the sport you shoot the SO should be able to tell.

I shoot my reloads in practice (when i can practice which isn't very often) and in matches including major matches. The process is as good as the time you put into it. If I didn't reload, I would not be shooting as much.
Spend more time with my wife. Thanks guys, you want to swing by my house and kick my dog too.

man...you crack me up. I have no problem shooting Trav's or qmmo's reloads. I also reload and have never had an issue but I reload like Travis by being extra careful during the whole process. There are people I know that I WILL NOT shoot their reloads...just don't trust them.
After thinking about it, I don't really have a good reason to avoid his reloads.. I'll shoot them next time I go to the range....(with his gun)[wink]
I am proud of everyone for keeping this thread "clean" too. I thought for sure it would go south fast.

Your avatar is a beer drinking squirrel?!?!
I think just like any case with guns you only due what you feel comfortable with... I myself reload so I trust myself :) I have shoot others reloads without issue but I do have to trust the source.
I wouldn't shoot "Joe from the gun show selling from the back of his pickup" reloads, but would consider my own or a trusted source. My father-in-law actually made a deal with me where I give him empty brass and he gives me reloads of the same!
I have only shot reloads out of the guns the reloader offered me (does that make sense?).
I have done it twice.

I would only do this with people I know and trust, but I would also shoot their reloads out of any of my guns.
I suppose you could look at food products the same way. If you trust what comes from the factory over what comes out of your garden, go for it. Not everyone has a garden, not everyone reloads. I will continue to reload, you are free to do as you please. (Give it time, Obama may dictate that you have to buy government ammunition or be fined, taxed more, etc.)
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