I think I did a stupid thing last night


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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Fridays Laura and I drive to work together so that we can go out and do something after work. Last night was no exception. I picked her up from work and then we went out for dinner, did some shopping and then headed home. We pulled into our driveway and I park the car. Before I get out Laura exclaims "Oh My God!" and points. I look to where she pointing and notice that our front door is wide open. [shocked] We don't keep lights on in the house and it's pitch black in there.

I immediately get out of the car and head to the front door. Laura yells at me to not go into the house. I look over my shoulder and tell her to wait outside and I go into the house. With my CCW in hand I turn on every light in the house as I go room to room meticulously going through every inch of the house. By the time I was done I was hugely relieved to see that nothing was missing, my gun safes were undisturbed and I was sure that nobody was in the house. I told Laura she could come into the house and the first thing she asks if whether we should call the cops. After thinking about it for a few minutes I said no as nothing was missing. We then discussed whether we had shut the door in the morning and we were both sure it was closed and locked when we left. My car is parked right in front of the door. We both came out of it and I know I closed it. If it was open, we'd have seen it.

Upon inspecting the door it was actually still locked. There are no marks on the handle or the door jam. I shut the door and pushed on it from the outside thinking maybe the latch was catching, but the door was solidly closed. What I don't get is that the downstairs by the front door was freezing inside, so the door had to have been open for a while. For the life of me I cannot figure out how the door was open and nothing was gone. I live in a townhouse community so maybe someone came home and scared away a would be thief is the only thing I can think of. What else could it have been. Someone just isn't' coming around opening doors and leaving them open. It's a mystery that I'm pretty sure I'll never figure out. I went out today and bought new locks and a deadbolt. Home project for tomorrow.

As I went to bed last night I was thinking about what I had done. I basically just went into the house and started looking around. What if someone was in the house? What if they had gotten into one of my gun safes. What if, what if, what if??? The more I thought about it the more I was thinking I should of called the cops and stayed outside. I didn't and luckily nothing happened.

If it was you, would you have stayed outside and called the cops or do as I did and go through the house yourself?

The worst part is that every time the house made a noise last night Laura kept asking me if I was sure nobody was in the house. She actually woke me up several times in the night to ask. She was freaked out, which was also starting to freak me out. Geez. [rolleyes]
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He's still in the closet.

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Your first instinct is to check out the house and maybe catch a BG. Besides, if you just left it open you don't want to look silly to the cops right?

In hind sight, calling the cops to sweep your home would be the prudent thing to do, but not as much fun.[smile]

I think I would have done the same thing. Silly maybe, but yeah.
I think our instint is to protect our home and not wait or rely on the gov't to do that. That being said, I probably would have done the same thing. Given more thought, it makes more sense to have your tax dollars go to work for your own protection in the event that someone was still in the house.
My bad. I really needed to use the bathroom. Thought I pulled the door shut on my way out.

By the way, you need more toilet paper.
i would have done the same as you did.

i would have locked the wife in the car with the cell to call the police though, but then i would have gone in.
I would have sent my wife in and told her to yell if she found anyone. Just kidding, I would have done exactly what you did and then wondered after if I did the right thing. Just like you did.
Clearing a house solo is generally a bad idea. That said, doing it is very understandable. I'm hoping to take a training class on it this year. Sometimes it's just unavoidable, like when you have family elsewhere in the house to protect.
I did the same thing. Turned out my sister went out for a walk and never closed the door. Red team go...
Someone did break into my house about 10 years ago. The little lady went downstairs as usual in the morning (he was gone) and raced back to our bedroom and told me. I called the cops, got my HK USP .40 and waited for the cops to arrive. They were here in 2 minutes. I put my pistol on the kitchen table and the officer asked me if it's loaded. I said, when I saw you pull up I unloaded it.

Long story short, they caught the a** h*** and he did 7 years in the slammer. [smile]
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I have 6 people who depend on me for so much. (I really consider myself lucky for this)

I would have called the PD and waited with the cell-cam at the ready in my left hand. You know who would be in my right!

This would be done after supressing the urge to go in my damn self.

Glad it wasn't a different outcome.
You do not say what type of lock you have, but since it was "still locked" I would assume it was not a deadbolt. I would recommend changing to one of those, as they are more reliable.

You probably locked and pushed the door closed, but due to the cold weather the door was a little warped and did not close all the way. The door latch therefore did not engage in to the hole, and a gust of wind presurized your house and popped the door open.
You do not say what type of lock you have, but since it was "still locked" I would assume it was not a deadbolt. I would recommend changing to one of those, as they are more reliable.

You probably locked and pushed the door closed, but due to the cold weather the door was a little warped and did not close all the way. The door latch therefore did not engage in to the hole, and a gust of wind presurized your house and popped the door open.

You mean ... he didn't pull the door shut on the way out? Yeah, that was my guess, too. Still, it is possible that there's an intruder, and he's in the closet.
You do not say what type of lock you have, but since it was "still locked" I would assume it was not a deadbolt. I would recommend changing to one of those, as they are more reliable.

You probably locked and pushed the door closed, but due to the cold weather the door was a little warped and did not close all the way. The door latch therefore did not engage in to the hole, and a gust of wind presurized your house and popped the door open.


i've had the same thing happen to me, especially with screen doors. hence, pull the door shut, turn the knob to ensure it's locked and push (again) to ensure it's closed and locked.....
It's simple really...

I would have logged onto NES from a wireless connection and started a poll entitled:

"I just got home,my front door is wide open.What do I do!!!???"

Give a few options and then let anonymous people on the internet make up my mind for me.
Actually, something similar happened here just two weeks ago. The wife and kid headed out of town on a Friday afternoon and exited via the cellar door. I get home from work just at dark and see a light shining across the snow out back of the house.

"Criminy!", I think. "We've been robbed!"

Since I work in a school there's no chance of me coming home with a gun. No cell phone to call the cops and, out here there's no local coverage anyway. Even if I called I'd wait 20 or 30 minutes for the Staties on a low-priority call.

Soooo ... I just went in an took a look see around. What else could I do?

Turned out the wife left it to the kid to secure the house. He locked the door, but didn't pull it shut. Oughta put a deadbolt on, I suppose.

When they got homw I let them know what a pair of boobs they are!
The exact same thing happened at my apartment a couple months ago. Sadly, with a restricted LTC I cleared my house with a spud wrench. My door however does have a deadbolt, and neither lock was locked. Nothing moved, guns tv and comuters all still there. The cops came down, said nothing was gone, they will keep an eye out.
It's simple really...

I would have logged onto NES from a wireless connection and started a poll entitled:

"I just got home,my front door is wide open.What do I do!!!???"

Give a few options and then let anonymous people on the internet make up my mind for me.

BEST...POST...EVER! [rofl2] [bow]
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