I screwed up - forgot to fill out FA-10 form!

Jan 20, 2007
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Subject says it all. I went past the required time to fill out the form and send it in. How bad is this? What should I do about it? Put the actual date firearm was acquired? Put todays date? Some other date?
No argument here. Nothing but pure stupidity on my part. So the state won't freak out and come pound on my door taking my LTC away because I'm late on the paper work?
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I had one come back to me due to the Post Office not being able to find the address after they had it 4 days I dropped it back in the mail I can only hope they got it cuz that was years ago. Really the FRB should send a notice to let people know they got the FA-10 we all just hope the did. I always save my copy just in case.
Fill it out an send it in. If they question you, tell them you had the flu.

Heard on the radio tonight that this is the worst flu season they've seen. It's believeable. [wink] Unless of course you're talking months late....
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