I hope this was not one of you

Why in the Hell would you think one of us stole a bunch of guns?

EDIT...nevermind, you mean the one who was robbed, right?
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If Obama & co get their way this will become much more common. Additional background checks wouldn't really effect me very much but I do worry about more of this happening if it gets enacted. Criminals are going to get their guns one way or another.
Some of the comments under the article just make me want to b*tch slap their authors. Why does he have 17 guns, how come they weren't locked in an impenetrable vault, yada yada yada. Blame the owner (who was not charged for violation of safe storage laws) rather than the criminals. Give me a break. </rant>
John Canty, 41, of Fall River, and Jennifer Taft, 33, of Whitman, were charged with 17 counts of larceny of a firearm, breaking and entering for a felony, possessing firearm and ammunition with a license and larceny over $250 in connection with the alleged robbery.

Wow, imagine what they'd be charged with if they didn't have a license ???? [rolleyes]
Are you saying that it's impossible ?

Well, nothing is impossible. Very unlikely though. Why would a group of people who can legally obtain firearms, need to steal them? I'd wager that there are very few gangstas and/or crackheads on this board.
" Canty, who’s ankle bracelet alerted a neighbor to call the police, is a registered Level 3 Sex Offender, according to the state’s Sex Offender Registry Board. "

41,hell, guy looks like he's 55
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