How to Destroy an AR-15

And in typical gun-ignorant media fashion, they get the facts wrong:

The federal guidelines that outline the destruction of an assault-style or "modern sporting" rifle like the AR-15, are derived from two laws: the National Firearms Act of 1934, drafted in response to prohibition-era mafia violence, and the Gun Control Act of 1968, prompted by the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

GCA68 was prompted by the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., not JFK.

And stuff like this is so easy to check too, but it proves once again that they have an agenda and the facts don't matter.
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And in typical gun-ignorant media fashion, they get the facts wrong:

GCA68 was prompted by the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., not JFK.

Well that is slightly less wrong then when a friend of mine posted an article that was from a Kennedy decendent (Roberts son maybe) lamenting how nothing has been done regarding guns since Robert Kennedy was assassinated. I think I told him the statement was "either wilfully ignorant or maliciously disingenuous", now that friend at least admits the Dem party needs a refreshed and more reasonable leadership cause there current bloc is manipulative and delusional.
Could you imagine how quickly the "liberal" party/supporter s" would tar and feather the Kenedy today.
Old white , catholic, deep money , womanizing, capitalists. That's just what we know.
To anyone out there thinking about doing this, not confident in your torch cutting skills. Transfer the firearm to me please, I'll pay the FFL fee to make sure your unwanted firearm is "off the streets"... Especially if it is a really nice old one... there are very special torch cutting requirements for those you can't be trusted to complete. Leave it to a professional... :)
You'd think that they'd use a diagram of an AR in an article about how to destroy an AR.

Also, "cutting" aluminum with a torch? That's just stupid, and messy.
If HowStuffWorks wasn't so liberal, I'd do a video: Dennis plans to burn a copy of Rolling Stone. Here's how you can burn yours, too. (NOTE: Do not buy a copy of RS just to burn it.)
Rolling Stone hasn't been relevant for at least thirty years now.

That's not true. Twenty, maybe 25 years, MAX. LOL

I'd argue they weren't relevant back in 1975 though. Honestly, how is RS (as it pertains to music) any different than Hard Copy or TMZ??? It sensationalized SD&RnR and then did this in-depth pieces on how these morons-with-guitars thought on whatever.

Gosh. I can't even watch 9 minutes of Almost Famous without wanting to throw up. Who the F cares?????

OK, I'm done. I never got Rolling Stone. Like, I never understood them. Even back in the 70's.
pop a new lower on that and it will be right as rain.

My guess is they are posting this because idiots who know nothing about firearms are cutting the barrel and committing felonies. I'll have to search for what happened to that idiot if anything.
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