How one man converted his wife from being an anti

Apr 24, 2006
Chelmsford MA
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Found this while doing a little online reading:


Life Among the Liberals Part II: Guns and Fear
Kim du Toit
April 5, 2002
11:06 AM

My wife and I were talking to our younger son’s ex-schoolteacher, who is, unsurprisingly for our Lakeview neighborhood, a part-time social worker and a full-time lesbian. The conversation turned to guns and the Second Amendment. I announced with pride that Son #1 had just completed his NRA training course and had received his Boy Scout Rifle badge.

"Why would you let your son do that?" asked Ex-Teacher, her features wrinkled with distaste.
"Because every boy should learn how to handle a gun," I said, thinking that this was self-evident. (I mean, hasn’t everyone seen "Red Dawn"?)
"Well," said Ex-Teacher, "I don’t want to bring up my son in a culture of macho self-defense."
Whereupon my wife (bless her heart) said sweetly, "I’d rather teach my son macho self-defense, than encourage him to be a quivering victim."

This was an interesting statement coming from my wife (not to mention, of course, a devastating put-down). Interesting because when we first met, she was a resident of Beverly Hills CA, a place not known for its conservatism, and she’d worked in Hollywood, in an industry renowned for, well, Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen. Indeed, when we first started dating, she announced to me in no uncertain terms that she hated guns. My nickname for her at the time was "my Liberal Rubbish Girlfriend."

Turning this fierce gun-hater into a Second Amendment supporter was going to be no easy task, let me tell you. Fortunately, my wife is blessed with matchless commonsense and a well-tuned sense of logic. All I had to do was to show her, over a period of time, the statistics and the reality of gun ownership.

"How," I asked her one day, "do you think that the Afrikaner government managed to keep apartheid in place for so long?" (She was, and is, an unbending opponent of racism. Desmond Tutu had even crashed on her couch one night.)

"They did it by denying the Blacks the vote" was her response.

"But the Blacks outnumbered the Whites by more than ten to one," I pointed out. "You?d think that they could have overthrown the Afrikaners, by numbers alone."

Thoughtful pause. "So how did they do it?"

"Simple. The Government didn?t allow Blacks to own firearms. Only Whites could own firearms legally." (Which was pretty much the case back in the Racist Republic.)

"How could they do that?"

"Well, for starters, all guns were registered. I mean, every gun required a specific license, and you had to show ‘proof’ to the police that you ‘needed’ that specific gun. So, in that scenario, it was easy to deny any individual a gun license. And given that the South African Police was pretty much an Afrikaner institution back then, you might as well have put up a sign saying: ‘No Blacks Need Apply’, when it came to gun licenses."

"How could they do that?"

"No Constitution. The Law was what the Government said it was."

Then one day, by a fine coincidence, we happened to watch a History Channel show called "Liberty! The American Revolution" which described, in great detail, how a bunch of farmers could overthrow the world?s greatest empire. Needless to say, the role of individual gun ownership was closely analyzed, and the importance of the militia became apparent to the Liberal Rubbish Girlfriend.

A little while ago, my wife joined the Second Amendment Sisters (Liberal Rubbish no longer!), and is now the proud possessor of a Browning semi-automatic pistol. Of course, the gun is of little use to her: because we live in the People’s Republic of Chicago, we aren’t allowed to own a handgun, thanks in no small part to Hizzoner Chairman Richard (The Lesser) Daley [spit], who is a gun-hater without peer in the United States (although his own bodyguards are, of course, armed to the teeth). So we keep the Browning and all my guns at a friend’s house outside the city, where they can do us no good whatsoever. Perhaps that’s Daley’s objective: keep the people disarmed, and let the police (and criminals) be the only ones with guns.

The apartheid Afrikaners would have been proud of him.
The conversion of my wife, who (before she was my wife) used to give me either a look or a lecture (usually both) every time I put on a holster in preparation for going somewhere, was a bit more straightforward. Seems one night we encountered a fine citizen whose intentions for our evening entertainment were different from ours and quite distasteful to her. Upon perceiving that he'd get to us only by going through Horace and Dan (Messrs. Smith and Wesson), Citizen departed abruptly (and quite speedily, I might add). Honey never said a negative word thereafter.
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The conversion of my wife, who (before she was my wife) used to give me either a look or a lecture (usually both) every time I put on a holster in preparation for going somewhere, was a bit more straightforward. Seems one night we encountered a fine citizen whose intentions for our evening entertainment were different from ours and quite distasteful to her. Upon perceiving that he'd get to us only by going through Horace and Dan (Messrs. Smith and Wesson), Citizen departed abruptly (and quite speedily, I might add). Honey never said a negative word thereafter.

You mean to tell me the police weren't there to instantly protect your future wife??? Seriously- glad you guys were ok. It's ashame that it sometimes takes that kind of situation to "see reality". I hope to God that never happens to any of us!
The conversion of my wife, who (before she was my wife) used to give me either a look or a lecture (usually both) every time I put on a holster in preparation for going somewhere, was a bit more straightforward. Seems one night we encountered a fine citizen whose intentions for our evening entertainment were different from ours and quite distasteful to her. Upon perceiving that he'd get to us only by going through Horace and Dan (Messrs. Smith and Wesson), Citizen departed abruptly (and quite speedily, I might add). Honey never said a negative word thereafter.

While I doubt that she'll ever join the club, my wife's reaction to noticing that I'm carrying (which I do almost 24/7) changed about 10 years ago. As we were leaving for a Christmas party at her then boss's house, she noticed the 1911 under my jacket and gave me the look and lecture ("Do you really think you're going to need that at Diane's?") I looked at her as if she'd just questioned why I was bothering to wear shoes and replied "If I though I was going to need it, we wouldn't be going." It took a few seconds for the logic to sink in, but she hasn't made a comment since.

My wife is far from a full-blown convert, but she has come LEGUES from the woman who refused to speak to me after I brought a 1911 home.

I think just the witness of safe gun-handling, and talking about real-world situations has cleared her mind of the ultra-left fantasy land where nobody "needs" a gun.

On Kim's above post, I'm always suprised at how many women (and gays of any sex) can say things against personal protection firearms.

I'd just LOVE to ask Jarrett Barios how many of his friends and constituants he has seen fall victem of hate crimes, yet he turns around and states that the only "need" for firarms is hunting and sport.

Really makes me sick!

-Weer'd Beard
Beard, don't get me started about Barrios...the man is a hypocrite, a racist and a fool. He lives in his little left-wing bubble in Cambridge and then tries to project that out onto everybody else.

Like so many leftists though, he supports only the "rights" that either affect himself or that he is willing to tolerate. In the case of 2A civil rights, he'd ban everything (including hunting) if he could get away with it politically.

Ugh. Unfortunately, his mind-set is par for the course for lots of people in Taxachusetts - pick and choose which rights you support then work actively to destroy the rights of others when they do thinks that you don't like.

Hypocrite thy name is Jarrett Barrios.

Not even Hypocracy. Just lies! He just wants his office, and will say what needs to be said. Just like the Brady Campaign targeted Evil Black Rifles for the AWB, even though they wanted ALL guns illigal, they knew that the 2nd Ammendment will never be repealed, and better just to chip away at it untill it's just meaningless.

Barios also wants all guns banned, but he knows that there are enugh hunters that will support him if he doesn't go after thier guns. Hell if Barrios thought it would win him the presidency, he'd throw all the gays under the bus and marry a woman!


-Weer'd Beard
I'd call my wife neutral. Unlike the wives of some of my friends she never insisted that I get rid of my guns once the kids were born. She doesn't mind my collecting, although she will ask me how many rifles "we" have now.

When we were first married, she was fairly nervous about me carrying. That all changed one Christmas season when we took the T into Boston, back when you always made one shopping trip into Boston at that time of year. We were riding the Red Line when some unsavory characters got on board at one of the stations. Nancy leaned over to me and asked, "Did you bring a 'friend' with you?". I assured her that Mr Smith and Mr Wesson and several little friends were riding with us. From that point on, she's never commented on the subject.

Anyway, here's to hoping that more women and gays wake up and realize that you can't trust the cops or the state in general for your own personal safety.

Jim, more people in general have to wake up and get it, particularly in the Northeast. I think Katrina, although the stories were mostly BS, woke up a lot of people in other parts of the country. Here? Not so much. People still think that when the SHTF, the government will be there like a Nanny to make it all better.

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