How Many Shots Does a FUDD Take to Bag a Deer?


NES Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Apparently in my neck of the woods, up to six. I live surrounded by woods that are known to be decent hunting grounds & there's always a couple hunters parked on my street this time of year. No problem for me unless they are hunting too close to my house. What drives me nuts is first light or around dusk I'll hear multiple shots. Almost always at least three, such as this morning. Sometimes it sounds more like a rifle mag dump. Close to beginning of the season, there may have been a pair of bad shot FUDDs as I heard six shots in a row. Either that or somebody wasn't in compliance. It was also too late to be legally hunting, so firing off that many shots in the dark isn't what I'd call safe shooting.

Anyone else notice that their local hunting woods sound like the OK Corral? Maybe I'm uniquely lucky to live in an area that attracts idiots...
Any water around you for duck hunters? Lots of shooting dawn and dusk. Full power 3.5" max loads are quite loud. I can hear the guys on a lake a mile+ from me and if the wind blows right direction they sound very close

Or you could just have guys doing mad dumps on deer
It's been gun season for a few weeks here in NH. Not everyone in the woods is hunting. I hunt, and I also target practice. Neighbor has a sweet little range in a sand pit with 30' backstop and a few lights rigged up - way far away from any power of course but we bring a generator and shoot at night. He owns 2000 acres so there's nobody to complain. We do lots of shooting, probably only 1/4 mile behind my house, and when I come home I ask my wife if she could hear any gun shots and she always says no.
Any water around you for duck hunters? Lots of shooting dawn and dusk. Full power 3.5" max loads are quite loud. I can hear the guys on a lake a mile+ from me and if the wind blows right direction they sound very close

Or you could just have guys doing mad dumps on deer

Yes, some of our 'no tresspassing' reservoirs. Probably no duck hunters unless they are quick enough to avoid the Reservoir Popo, LOL.

As far as the term FUDD meaning bad shot? Not necessarily but in my neck of the woods probably yes.

Fudds don't have more than two shots.

Must be rednecks, or swamp yankees.

My dad told a story (from years ago), when an old-time backwoodsman was out hunting, and used all five shots in his rifle.
Of course, he got five deer. [laugh] When he was caught by the warden, and asked, "Why?" He said, "I had to." [rofl]
Lots of guys will get buddies together and take turns pushing deer, lots of shots with buckshot at fast moving deer. This is why it sounds like mag dumps.
... Close to beginning of the season, there may have been a pair of bad shot FUDDs as I heard six shots in a row. Either that or somebody wasn't in compliance.

What compliance is this?

I only heard two shots while I was out this morning.
What compliance is this?

I only heard two shots while I was out this morning.

5 rounds in gun.

Exactly. After hearing the six shots I was jokingly wondering if someone was out there with a KSG

Lots of guys will get buddies together and take turns pushing deer, lots of shots with buckshot at fast moving deer. This is why it sounds like mag dumps.

Now that makes sense as a possible reason. There are a couple natural choke points nearby, so that tactic could be very effective. Thanks.
I live in a remote section near Manchester and I hear them in the morning mostly. Doesn't bother me. In fact, I kinda like it.

I generally like the sounds of folks having fun and often hear folks plinking during the summer. In the past I and my neighbors have had a couple of real jokers on our property, so during hunting season I have mixed feelings about hearing lots of shots when one or two should do it. Leads me to believe that the one behind the trigger might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I'm sure everyone has heard of farmers painting their cows during hunting season. I've seen it firsthand. I had access to and helped take care of some hunting / fishing / camping property in the Missouri Ozarks. Farmer on the adjoining property lost a cow to an idiot and/or jerk and thereafter painted on his cows with dayglo orange.
Anyone got a cite for this 5-round capacity restriction?

You may be on to something:

It is lawful to hunt birds and mammals in Massachusetts with a shotgun of 10 gauge and smaller, and with any magazine capacity, except:

1. The hunting of migratory game birds with a shotgun, the magazine of which has not been cut off or plugged with a 1-piece filler incapable of removal without disassembling the gun so as to reduce the capacity of the shotgun to not more than three cartridges at one time in the chamber and magazine combined, is prohibited.

So perhaps it was a KSG that I heard. [wink]
I haven't heard 5-6 rounds at a deer in the woods..If you miss at shot #1...the second will be a lucky shot...and after that you're just shooting to make sure it's REALLY moving out of your hunting area! [wink]
Apparently in my neck of the woods, up to six. I live surrounded by woods that are known to be decent hunting grounds & there's always a couple hunters parked on my street this time of year. No problem for me unless they are hunting too close to my house. What drives me nuts is first light or around dusk I'll hear multiple shots. Almost always at least three, such as this morning. Sometimes it sounds more like a rifle mag dump. Close to beginning of the season, there may have been a pair of bad shot FUDDs as I heard six shots in a row. Either that or somebody wasn't in compliance. It was also too late to be legally hunting, so firing off that many shots in the dark isn't what I'd call safe shooting.

Anyone else notice that their local hunting woods sound like the OK Corral? Maybe I'm uniquely lucky to live in an area that attracts idiots...

I hunted NC all week. On Monday one of the guys in my hunting camp was in a blind on the other side of the woods from me. He shot seven goddamned times and killed a doe. The next day he shot another four times and killed a spike.

I always load to capacity when hunting. Why not? I generally unload as many shells as I loaded in the AM.
I watched a Cape deer hunt 20+ years ago and it was the dumbest thing ever with hunters lined up like they were trying to scare fowl out of the brush. It was a teachable moment. Don't go hunting on the cape.

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