"High Capacity" Mags @ VT


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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So today's stories all say the VT shooter loosed 170 rounds in 9 minutes. They also say there were no less than 3 hits per victim.

170rd is either 17 x 10rd mags or 12 x 15rd mags. So much for the crap about how banning "High Capacity" mags would have made any difference.

The only thing that seems to have made any difference was the time it took for the police to get close enough so the shooter felt threatened and shot himself.
I think its a case of he has his 2 factory 15rd mags that came with his G19 and kept loading from a few boxes of ammo. I don't think anyone had the balls or brains to jump him when he was doing it.

They said he reloaded what I think alot of people are thinking is he put a new mag in each time, he just kept filling the 2 mags he had.
If he had a 12 high caps you would have heard that shit right off the bat from the news!!!!
So.... does anyone know how many mags he had? Even if you are good... it takes a while to load 15 rounds into mag...

"State police offered several new and chilling details about the deadliest shooting by an individual in U.S. history, saying that Cho's later attack at Norris Hall lasted nine minutes and that he squeezed off more than 170 rounds. Law enforcement officials said they found 17 ammunition magazines at the scene."

Of course I don't know how much he used the Walther vs. the Glock. (I would have just carried it as a BUG...but then again I'm sane, and I'd never want to shoot COMPLEAT STRANGERS)

But if he was using the walther as a BUG then that adds to 17 10-rounders.

Likely he probably DID have the 2 15s that come with a new Glock, and maybe he bought a ton of 10s because they were cheaper.

I'm just speculating

Numerous reports said that the guy had an ammo vest of some sort.

Also, remember the whole ebay thing? Most of the time on ebay, you can
only get clinton 10 rounders due to their rules, so at least a few of those
were in the mix.

either way the state messed up on the background check so thats good for us becuase if he had been free and clear to own we really would be hearing it.

You are not going to see any federal gun laws this time around DC has way to many pro-gun Reps in DC right now, and the anti-gun Reps know it and are not even going to waste there time trying to get a bill passed they know it will fail!!

But this state is so different a senator from the public safety board already put a bill in to limit sales to one gun a month. www.goal.org has more make sure you call or mail your Reps and Sen. So this does not pass, there are some good parts to the bill but we have to get that one gun a month part taken out ASAP!!!
I heard last week that the Walther mags were 10 rounders, I haven't heard about the Glock.

170 rounds in 9 mins. is not fast though. I think most wheel gunners with speed loaders or moon clips could shoot that fast.
So where did this guy practice? I haven't heard that he was at a range at all. Maybe a few miles outside Blacksburg is open country, but it doesn't sound like he was the mobile type.

Then again, it seems he had stationary targets inches/feet away...
He went to a gun-club. Dunno how much. And I'm guessing he was just as "Scary" there as he was at the gun shop.

Likely just a guy in the corner lane shooting his glock and keeping to himself.

Who knows how much he practiced....but with he being the only gun in town, how much does he need to?

-Weer'd Beard
"Cho Seung Hui fired hundreds of rounds of ammunition striking his victims more than 200 times. He also missed some of his targets. If Congress had renewed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, Cho Seung Hui wouldn’t have had 15-round magazines for his Glock pistol. The ban prohibited magazines that carry more than 10 bullets. That would have forced him to stop and reload more often, perhaps saving some lives."

Knew it would come up ...

Maybe we should require all criminals to walk about with shoes untied, hoping they will trip, and perhaps save more lives.
because it takes all of 1.5 seconds to change magazins and keep shooting.

One trained college kid with a J-frame .38 could have ended this before so many were killed.
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