Hide the Children- 550 rds of ammo!!!!

And what a way to play up hydrocodone. Has anyone ever taken this stuff...it's Vicodin or whatever...800mg of Ibuprofen does a better job than this crap. [rolleyes]

I use to be on 2 @800 mg. of HC every 4 Hrs. for My Back , it does make You a little spacey , once Your able to stand.
It makes Tylenol 3 look like Baby Asprin.
And what a way to play up hydrocodone. Has anyone ever taken this stuff...it's Vicodin or whatever...800mg of Ibuprofen does a better job than this crap. [rolleyes]

It's not Vicodin...I forget what it is (um, Dave? a little help here). My mom was on it and got hooked on it when she had back surgery. That was a trip...an 83 year old woman going through withdrawal. I had to stay with her for 3 days.
They gave me a prescription for it a while back for a little back problem I had to help me sleep. It didn't do shit for the pain, but I was staggering around like some kind of junkie whenever I took it. After a couple of nights I said the hell with it and flushed the rest of the bottle. A couple of Tylenol did a better job for me, and without the dopiness.

It just hit me...it's either percodan or percocet - the generic stuff. All it does is make me sick to my stomach...as most oral pain meds do. I went through 6 hand surgeries with just extra strength tylenol. It wasn't a lot of fun. And I get to do it again when the knee is operated on the 16th....oh joy in the morning. [sad]
Heck. my kid got that much ammo from Santa. Ya wouldn't expect Santa to give a kid a new rifle and NOT remember the ammo would'ja ?
It just hit me...it's either percodan or percocet - the generic stuff.
Really? I was on Percodan back in '82 when I broke my wrist in a bike accident - I remember lying there in my bed (at home) looking up at the ceiling and thinking "Wow... look at that. It's a ceiling... and it's white... and it's RIGHT UP THERE... a white ceiling... look at it, it's right there... [repeat as needed]". Blitzed right out of my gourd.

OTOH, sometime in the last 10 or 15 years I got the same stuff again (maybe after my eye surgery? I don't remember) and this time they apparently calibrated the dosage better - I wasn't stoned, but it took the edge off of the pain.
Johnson's bodyguard, Willie B. Posey, was arrested on felony drug charges after the raid; Posey was shot and killed two days later during an early morning fight at a nightclub in Chicago.

Just wait ....... Posey's family will sue, if it were not for the police, he would have been carrying one of those illegal guns and would have been able to defend himself at the Chicago nightclub.
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