"HELP WANTED" ad in this month's Goal newsletter


NES Member
Apr 26, 2006
Feedback: 37 / 0 / 1
I got this month's edition of GOal's monthly newsletter and in it is an Help wanted ad for a firearm tech at The Village Gunstore of Westboro. Is this place re-opening?
I don't know, but I did drive by it last night and noticed that the wording on the sign had be updated. I didn't think twice about it until I read your thread.
Never been to the Gun Room. But let's just say I never felt particularly welcome at the Village Gun Shop, even when buying something.
Did this place mold it's Customer Service after the "Gun Room"???

I don't know it Peter Dowd still owns the Village Gun Shop, but he used to own the Gun Room also. Originally he was on the West bound side of Rte 9, moved to the East bound side, sold out, went estate sales only for a while, opened the Village Gun Shop, and then I lost track.
The Village Gun Shop had some really great guns but as Cross-X says they were not cheap! I thought the sales people were pretty sharp, but I didn't think they were "warm". I wish it would reopen, I need more cool guns and would gladly put up with "bad" customer service to get them.

I think the add had to do with the wholesale business which I've been told is still open but I could be wrong on both parts.


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