Heard on the Boston.com forums...

Originally Posted by Iknowitallyeomans
Ban the manufacture and sale of handguns and automatic weapons. Now I advocate disbanding the greedy and cowardly NRA and assigning it as a terrorist organization and a threat to our Republic....And for all you cowardly tough-guy hand-gun lovers - we can and will pry them from your cold dead cornball hands...Sooner or later.

and who is going to take them you fricking pansy? [rofl]
I whole heartedly agree, but how do we pay for that? To keep all the criminals in jail, we would need to build many, many more prisons because the population of criminals is increasing faster than they die off. This would be a major overhaul of our judicial system to revamp criminal punishments for say drug offenders but throw away the key for violent crime. Unfortunately there is no money to be made by the state for imprisoning criminals; it's a one way, exit only cash situation so they will never do it. Hence why there are so many criminals on the street. Prisons have a fixed budget and can only pay to keep so many in their cages. And by the way, yes, I do believe criminals should be forced into manual labor to repay their debts.


Whe I was growing up there was a prison farm a couple towns over, and we would see the convicts out working the fields during the summer months. You go by there now and the farm is now a prisoners ball field and exercise / recreation area that puts those of our local schools to shame.

The day we start making prisons about punishment instead of "rehabilitation" and deterrence, the prison population will decrease. Get up before sunrise. Break rocks. Dig ditches. Grow vegetables and give them away to the victims. Clean out vacant lots and other blights. Restrict prisoner "privileges" to an absolute minimum. The coddling needs to end - both in the courtroom and behind the walls. The fear of punishment is all the deterrent that should be necessary, however prison, for a criminal, is not fearful.
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Originally Posted by Iknowitallyeomans
Ban the manufacture and sale of handguns and automatic weapons. Now I advocate disbanding the greedy and cowardly NRA and assigning it as a terrorist organization and a threat to our Republic....And for all you cowardly tough-guy hand-gun lovers - we can and will pry them from your cold dead cornball hands...Sooner or later.

Anybody want to bet this guy won't be the one in front coming for those guns?

This guy's a twit - at it again today. The sad thing is today he said that the NRA will blame the wife and not the gun. He and another person said some rather negative things about the NRA and its members.

I lent my two cents (different screen name from here) and another person chimed in and supported the RKBA. Relatively little commentary though.
Whe I was growing up there was a prison farm a couple towns over, and we would see the convicts out working the fields during the summer months. You go by there now and the farm is now a prisoners ball field and exercise / recreation area that puts those of our local schools to shame.

The day we start making prisons about punishment instead of "rehabilitation", the prison population will decrease. Get up before sunrise. Break rocks. Dig ditches. Grow vegetables and give them away to the victims. Clean out vacant lots and other blights. The coddling needs to end - both in the courtroom and behind the walls.

Whe I was growing up there was a prison farm a couple towns over, and we would see the convicts out working the fields during the summer months. You go by there now and the farm is now a prisoners ball field and exercise / recreation area that puts those of our local schools to shame.

The day we start making prisons about punishment instead of "rehabilitation" and deterrence, the prison population will decrease. Get up before sunrise. Break rocks. Dig ditches. Grow vegetables and give them away to the victims. Clean out vacant lots and other blights. Restrict prisoner "privileges" to an absolute minimum. The coddling needs to end - both in the courtroom and behind the walls. The fear of punishment is all the deterrent that should be necessary, however prison, for a criminal, is not fearful.


Let's even split it: I want you off the street so I'll pay something to build new prisons and staff them.

You want cable TV, exercise facilities, libraries: you work and received a fixed rate per hour for each hour you work. That "income" goes to the prison system to bring in the cable TV, exercise equipment and books.

You don't work, you sit in your 5' x 8' cell all day long and entertain yourself.
The commonality about the people that comment on Boston.Com's web sight is that most were not born in MA., Many work for the state or the educational system and many are utterly dysfunctional. Take a look through the forum and check the comments of the vultures there. Normal thinking is heavily out numbered.
As a gunstore manager I have seen first hand that guns are BAD! In fact, that's why we keep them locked up, they could just go off at any time!
Oh the destruction! Those guns are EVIL! I can see it.....if we didn't lock them up just think of all the gun crime there would be.
It's all the NRA's fault too.......oh yeah, and George Bush.
Damn NRA fighting for gun rights...I say keep them all locked up! If the NRA didn't exist there would be no crime, I'm sure of it.

Makes sense huh? Maybe they will print that at the Globe. :0
As someone who worked for the Globe, don't let them fool you. They may print far left but the douchebags that call the shots (as well it's feeble-minded puppetmasters in New York) have proven time and time again that they're about as far right cutthroat capitalist as can be when it comes to running things. Their motto ought to be, "Do as we say, not as we editorialize." f***ing hypocrite pieces of shit.
I whole heartedly agree, but how do we pay for that? To keep all the criminals in jail, we would need to build many, many more prisons because the population of criminals is increasing faster than they die off. This would be a major overhaul of our judicial system to revamp criminal punishments for say drug offenders but throw away the key for violent crime. Unfortunately there is no money to be made by the state for imprisoning criminals; it's a one way, exit only cash situation so they will never do it. Hence why there are so many criminals on the street. Prisons have a fixed budget and can only pay to keep so many in their cages. And by the way, yes, I do believe criminals should be forced into manual labor to repay their debts.


Easily. End the failed War on Drugs. Again, another war that's focused on the "thing". Drugs and guns can't do harm to others on their own volition. Once the non-violent drug users are parsed out of the system, we can make room for the dangerous felons that need to be serving hard time for a long time.

The day we start making prisons about punishment instead of "rehabilitation" and deterrence, the prison population will decrease. Get up before sunrise. Break rocks. Dig ditches. Grow vegetables and give them away to the victims. Clean out vacant lots and other blights. Restrict prisoner "privileges" to an absolute minimum. The coddling needs to end - both in the courtroom and behind the walls. The fear of punishment is all the deterrent that should be necessary, however prison, for a criminal, is not fearful.

+1. I'm all for cruel, just don't make it unusual.

It isn't a democracy. There's still aspects of our society that aren't democratic at all.

Which is a good thing! Democracy is a fallacy. Democracy isn't good. In fact the word never appears in the US Constitution for good reason.

Democracy has given us nothing. It simply carves out individual freedom and personal wealth from one collective and re-allocates it to another collective because 50% + 1 person says so.
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