Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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So could one register a shit ton of unserialized lowers today that they may or may not have in their posession?

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that's a shittone of felonies in addition to each count of you having AR/AK already. Few shit tone felonies ... who keeps count now? [laugh]
One of my very level-headed liberal friends said this is bad. And, he hates guns. He said that he wanted some common sense gun measures (but not this). What this does is reinforce the fear that many on the left don't believe and that is "We're coming to get your guns." This act by the AG tosses many Democrats under the bus and potentially strengthens the right's argument. Bad for the election if you support Hillary.
Yes - an FFL giving the middle finger and willing to put up the money to fight it or legislation to stay or change what Healy has the 'authority' to do

Can't we crowd source something like this? Get some of name 2A folks and money behind us. It could work....

-Yes I'm talking out my ass. I'm drunk sitting in corn field right now. STILL pissed.....
Now is the time for Lt Gov Polito to "man up" and stick up for all of the law-abiding gun owners who heled put the two of them in office.
that's a shittone of felonies in addition to each count of you having AR/AK already. Few shit tone felonies ... who keeps count now? [laugh]
But its a shit ton of felonies you are not actually comitting until you have unserialized lowers in your posession.

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So could one register a shit ton of unserialized lowers today that they may or may not have in their posession?

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No, it doesn't matter. If it's not pre-1994 then it's a felony.
Probably a stupid question but what about other rifles like an sks or an garand still be legal to possess my brain is hurting from this madness
FWIW, even though I am a NH resident, I called the Ma Governor's office...no state is above this happening to them. Some states are just closer than others...
No, it doesn't matter. If it's not pre-1994 then it's a felony.
But it is one they claim they will not prosecute. It gives you the option of having a registered lower after today.

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If folks from mAss put as much effort into badgering their reps over bad bills as they have in the last 3 hrs on this thread then mass might have less sucky gun laws

Considerable effort was put forth on the last go around which stopped a bunch of gun control measures from happening. Getting bills introduced to get rid of horrible shit though is maddeningly
difficult. MA legislature has a lot of sloth and soft corruption to it. Which is a good and a bad thing. We don't have a CA style laws because of the sloth here. It also prevents us from getting rid of shit that needs to be
gotten rid of, too.

By Katie Lannan
BOSTON, JULY 20, 2016....An estimated 10,000 "copycat" assault weapons were sold in Massachusetts during 2015, according to the attorney general's office, which announced a crackdown effort on Wednesday.Joined by anti-violence advocates and members of law enforcement, Attorney General Maura Healey said she issued a notice to all Massachusetts gun sellers and manufacturers warning that her office is stepping up enforcement of the state's assault weapon ban.The notice clarifies what constitutes a "copy" or "duplicate" weapon that would also be prohibited under the ban.

Attorney General Maura Healey, joined by activists and law enforcement, announced on Wednesday heightened enforcement of the state's assault weapon ban. [Photo: Katie Lannan/SHNS]

07/20/2016Serving the working press since 1910

--Edit - I was corrected by my rep, StateHouseNews.com is NOT a .gov entity, but a commercial entity reporting in Massachusetts statehouse activity. As such I have edited the above to comply with excerpt format.
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Obviously he knew and doesn't care. Isn't that 100% obvious? Because it should be.

He can't really do anything anyways that doesn't amount to anything more than yelling at a closed door. The best he can do is dictate .gov units like EOPS to tell her to go **** herself, but I'm not sure he even has the stones to do that.

But its a shit ton of felonies you are not actually comitting until you have unserialized lowers in your posession.

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if felony is not registered with FA10 ... does AG really knows about a felony?

there is no way to game the system to make money, either way, gun business in MA is ****ed, today, tomorrow, totally ****ed.
Got a response from my rep:

Thank you for forwarding this along. We are still learning about the AG’s proposed enforcement strategy.

The detailed statement on how this enforcement strategy will be implemented has some good details though:


I copied some of the key parts. From an initial review, there’s no indication this will ban nearly all firearms ever sold or target Boy Scout rifles though. That would, thankfully, definitely trigger constitutional protections.

The Q/A portion provides a good overview for how this will work. See attached for state house news story.

The Guidance will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016. The enforcement won’t apply to firearms already owned by residents.

He goes on to copy and paste some of the AW definitions.
He also included a link to the Statehouse News website, which is A PAYWALLED SITE. I just pasted [STRIKE=the entirety of]the entirety of[/STRIKE] an excerpt of what he pasted to me.
--Edit: I have been corrected, this site is not .gov but a private entity reporting on .gov.

My reply:

[FONT=&amp]Thank you for taking the time to reply, but I beg you to re-read the direction. The AG has declared, and clarified in a Q&A, that so-called Assault Rifles made after 1998 [/FONT]have always been illegal and that it is merely her power of Prosecutorial Discretion that prevents me from being prosecuted at this time.The very last line of the direction letter puts lie to the AGs discretion: "The AGO reserves the right to alter or amend this guidance."

[FONT=&amp]And, really? A paywalled site for State House News? Public servants doing public business, and I have to pay to read what you've been up to? This has never been challenged?[/FONT]

--Edit: He replied about the paywall nature of the site. It is commercial, not .gov. My pastes and edits above reflect this.
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This is also great timing in the news cycle. All media outlets are on the RNC. No one is paying any attention to us peons.

Like I said earlier this is mass, nobody thinks guns are even legal here anyways, they just think its a block of moonbats.

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