Having Toy Guns in the Home

I remember if we were playing cowboys and indians, we could point and "shoot" each other all we wanted, but if you were just sitting there and pointed a toy gun at someone, that usually resulted in an ass beating.

That was my experience as well. Or if the kids were playing cops and robbers but pointed the toy gun at an adult, they would get it taken away.
toy guns and education leads to less "curiosity" in my opinion. My girls see my AR15 or M1 Garand and simply view it as one of daddy's annoying tools he plays with too much and have no desire to touch it. They know what the trigger does and they know gun safety at 6 and 8. Most kids drink because their parents say no. Mine told me to party but not drive. It took the mystery out of beer and I lost some of the fun breaking rules. Therefore, I was more likely to be safe and respectful. Same with guns IMHO.

I grew up in a very different time...

In the early 90's we rode our bikes to the shootin pit with our 10-22's and occasional .303 on our backs on the sidewalk by an elementary school....

Sorry if I sound like a has been, what a world we live in!
Give them whatever the hell you want
There is a 'toy' version of just about every real world item. hammers, dinner plates, cars, swords etc.
Stop worrying about the physical item itself and spend more time making sure the kid isn't/doesn't become a dumbass. Otherwise he'll end up hurting himself with a spork or something.
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