Has anyone stumbled across this wackjobs youtube posts before

Almost killed by law abiding gun nuts 3 times?

Hey! How about not breaking into homes! I tend to find that is the surest way to avoid getting a gun stuffed in your face.

My guess is this guy was not just trotting down 8-mile minding his own business when some gun nut stuffed a gun in his face.
Why do you give this f-ing nutcase another forum to express his retarded views?

Who gives a flying fornication what he thinks about gun ownership, anyway?

I mean, seriously.........
Almost killed by law abiding gun nuts 3 times?

Hey! How about not breaking into homes! I tend to find that is the surest way to avoid getting a gun stuffed in your face.

My guess is this guy was not just trotting down 8-mile minding his own business when some gun nut stuffed a gun in his face.

Seriously.. how do you get almost killed by a "gun nut" (an NRA drunk gun nut) who doesn't have his gun? What evidence does this asshat have that the guy was a legal gun owner, or a member of the NRA? unf&^%$ing believable.
I have a feeling the FBI has been watching this guy for quite sometime.

He has posted some really odd ramblings and crazy beliefs.

I'm not even sure if he's being sarcastic at times or genuinely out there...


Ashlyn Schaffer, a 17-year-old Romeo Heights school student, was seriously injured in an automobile accident in March. She suffered a spinal cord injury that paralyzed her from the waste down.

As many are brainwashed into believing that accident victims become multi-millionaires from lawsuits they are wrong. The Bible says eye for a eye. To guarantee not one is injured by car accident or work. The CEO's of the automobile manufacturers, should have paid Ashlyn Schaffer 1 trillion dollars or they should of had their spine cut. Not for Ashlyn Schaffer's benefit, but for the thousands who will be injured because the automobile industry is allowed to stay in business and make a profit. Henry Ford and his children live in castles as Ashlyn struggles in a wheelchair.

I will donate One Thousand Dollars to be used Towards Lawyer Fees to make sure the automobile manufacturers pay Ashlyn Schaffer one trillion dollars, or get their spinal cord cut as the Bible demands. It's their Choice. The automobile manufacturers knew that was not God's will to manufacture cars. The Amish told them that 50 years ago. If they do not want to use the check for this lawsuit they can return it to me and I will give it to someone else.

It just makes me sick to know these Automobile manufactures ride in Limos paying bribe money to Lawyers, Doctors and Politicians. They try to swindle their way out of paying for the pain and suffering they cause. While Ashlyn struggles to survive and has to beg for help.

I used to think "Anyone can See God". I thought everyone was like me. Now I know, the people who think that Industry should be able to stay in business, while people are injured by their products, because Industry paid bribe money to Politicians, these people can never possibly see God.

I am glad I don't have any children. If I had a 17 year old daughter who was paralyzed as big business laughed all they way to the bank, I would kill them. That's why I saw God. In a Country where two hundred million Americans have a Right to Bear Arms for the purpose of killing Mafia dictating Judges, Lawyers and Politicians, you don't have to be a Prophet of God to know that these Dictators will have a short lifespan. There will be a Mass Exodus out of the USA as these bribe takers, leave to another Country, where bribe taking is acceptable behavior.

There can be only one reason why a Judge , Lawyer or Politician will not award one trillion dollars to a victim of Industry, He has had to get some kind of Bribe.


Seven Levels

There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion, just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches. History has proven, that whenever a new religion gets started, that the Catholic Church has had every member of that religion killed. This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands, in 50 years, and only about 6 religion in 10,000 years. The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become flesh, and their members were about 1,000 strong, when the Catholics had them all killed. You can not be taught about Third Level Timothism, until you have been at a second level for a year, so get in now.

At first I thought it was the Government that had the people at Wayco Killed, but then I found out the Catholic's have their own Army and Militia to kill off their competition. Masada, Wayco, Heaven's Gate and Jones town all have something in Common, they were all murdered and it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide. You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right. The odds of getting 39 people to commit suicide and conveniently cremated, to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten Billion. Not even George W. Bush is stupid enough to believe in mass cremation.

When the new religion gets above a certain number they send in the Army to have them Killed. This is why you will never find more then one member of the Timothean Religion. You can say your a Timothean, but if anyone ask you how many members there are, say "I am the only Timothean, all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion". Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean, all the others are impostures." It's for your protection. Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timothean's.

Timothean's are True Americans. We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms" against anyone infringing on our rights to FREE Speech or FREE Religion. If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion, they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country, where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators. It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them. In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us. Anyone who infringes on these rights, is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of America. Happy 4th of July.

There is a village somewhere that is being deprived of it's idiot.

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Someone who is under the influence of crack or other drugs , including alcohol, is not considered to be a legal gun owner / gun nut as this moron states. The last time I checked, if you are in possession of a firearm while under the influence, you are considered to be breaking the law. This man also could be considered a racist. What right does he have to label someone a redneck? Why hasn't the ACLU shut this moron up yet?
First time i see a liberal anti gun hippie. XD People think he is chinese ? because of his high looking eyes ? and he is white and he called other white as Red neck gun nut ? Hahahha... Ok , if i have a gun and someone is knocking on my door i will not open the door but i can steel see throught the peeking hole to ID the person.
Strange dude. I think a coconut must have fallen on his head at one time. Probably at three in the morning.

Oh crap, I can't stop laughing.

I got got a mental visual of him ringing a door bell at three am and then the coconut falling on his head (with sound effect) followed by little cartoon birds flying in circles around his head..

Thanks Gringo
Oh crap, I can't stop laughing.

I got got a mental visual of him ringing a door bell at three am and then the coconut falling on his head (with sound effect) followed by little cartoon birds flying in circles around his head..

Thanks Gringo

Fair Warning:

Failure to heed warning:
Assuming it actually happened, that FBI agent earned her pay the day she had to interview him... some how I don't think talking to this guy was what she had in mind when she started working for the FBI...(again assuming this actually occured)...

I am impressed that this guy #1 seems to live indoors and #2 can opperate a computer, because I would put his wit up against some of the craziest of "crazy homeless guys" I have dealt with...
I would like to see epic beard man fight him. Epic Beard Man vs Hippy Deranged Beard Man.

"Bring Ambalamps!"

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