Ham for 50 yrs


Something really changed with kids. It seems that before 1980 lots of people under 25 got their ticket. Now it seems like the average age of a new license holder is around 50.

Something really changed with kids. It seems that before 1980 lots of people under 25 got their ticket. Now it seems like the average age of a new license holder is around 50.

Hmm, what changed around 1980?


Something really changed with kids. It seems that before 1980 lots of people under 25 got their ticket. Now it seems like the average age of a new license holder is around 50.

I got mine in 1994, there were a lot of "kids" then, too.

- - - Updated - - -

Hmm, what changed around 1980?


As someone intimately familiar with both, I don't think computers really ate into people who liked farting around on the radio until the internet started going full tilt in the early to mid 2000s or so. Once we got into that period a lot of people disappeared off both ham and CB radio.

Congrats Jack. I got mine in 1974.

73 from WA1TSL.
Grid square FN42LF.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats John, thats a long time. Got my novice in '67 when I was 17, but it expired in a year. More fun was girls and cars and the gun club.....10 years later I got it again and stayed very active since then...73 from AB1CQ

I'm starting to study for Technicians License
Now just to take the test. Doubt I'll make it to 50 years seeing I just turned 50 myself. Maybe I'll get 20 years in.
Hmm, what changed around 1980?


In the late 1980, early 1990's I used to run a BBS. That was the coolest thing in the world to be my own sysop and designing screens with ANSI graphics. I used to belong to a worldwide email system called fidonet, and I do remember that some of the people who were ARRL members in the Hartford area used to transmit email through radio. I don't know all the details but I always thought it was pretty cool stuff.
>>Got my novice in '67 <<

Ah, I remember the Novice license well, along with the trepidation associated with making your first CW contact. :)
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