H4102 is DEAD Congratulations all and thank you.

Ya. We made our calls in NJ. Little good that did. We now have one gun a month. I don't waste my time calling these a-holes anymore.
Well, we don't need any more quitters on our side. Hope no one takes your advice.
It's funny, NH people complain about the MA sheeple moving in. I guess we have to do the same about NY and NJ... [laugh]

People seem raised from birth to be quitters in this state... Those that don't take the programming either go into politics to assume their place at the trough, or they leave...

I moved in a while ago, assuming (wrongly) that this was still America... Now, I am trying to clean the place up, but I am finding I need a bigger broom... [laugh]
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I just left a message on everyone but Tarr, Fagan, and Clark's voicemails. A couple of them just rang forever, and the other seemed to indicate that the box was full. Speranzo is my rep and I left him a message at his district office too.

Keep calling!
I just left a message on everyone but Tarr, Fagan, and Clark's voicemails. A couple of them just rang forever, and the other seemed to indicate that the box was full. Speranzo is my rep and I left him a message at his district office too.

Keep calling!

Clark's phone never seems to work ('attendant not available') but you can shoot her legislative assistant an email... Katherine.O'[email protected] [wink]
If you don't get through, try again. If still nothing, leave a message.

Senator Cynthia Stone-Creem 617.722.1639
Senator Steven Baddour 617.722.1604
Senator Gale Candaras 617.722.1291 District Telephone 413.599.4785
Senator John Hart 617.722.1150
Senator Thomas McGee 617.722.1350
Senator Bruce Tarr 617.722.1600
Rep. Eugene O'Flaherty 617.722.2396 District Telephone 617.884.3350
Rep. Christopher Speranzo 617.722.2396 District Telephone 413.447.7225
Rep. James Fagan 617.722.2430 District Telephone 508.824.7000
Rep. Colleen Garry 617.722.2380
Rep. Marie St. Fleur 617.722.2030
Rep. John Fernandes 617.722.2396 District Telephone 508.473.3063
Rep. Katherine Clark 617.722.2220
Rep. Danielle Gregoire 617.722.2080
Rep. James Dwyer 617-722-2014


[email protected]
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Seriously people, this is NO JOKE. You can make a difference. Don't think about doing it, DO IT!

It's far easier to stop a law from becoming law than try and repeal it. Stop this from becoming law.
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I've got 30 minutes blocked out after lunch to call, and have already sent emails.

This is really important; if we don't stop this, it will be very bad, and with Patrick on his re-election bid, this will pass if we don't stop it right the heck now.
I just sent them each this email:

Dear Senator/Representative,

I placed calls to most of your offices on Friday late afternoon, but wanted to follow those up with an email. I urge you to vote NO and to OPPOSE H. 4102 which is in the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. I urge you not to release this bill. This bill does nothing to fix crime in Massachusetts, and in fact turns people who are guilty of (as the MA Supreme Court put it) a victimless, and oft accidental, crime into felons.

This bill also does away with the right of lawful, licensed gun owners to conduct legal transactions with other lawful, licensed gun owners without having to pay fees ranging from 15 to 60 dollars to a firearms dealer. It also makes it impossible for a person to purchase multiple firearms at once, or to recieve an inheritance. For example, if my grandfather was to pass away, and leave me his 10 guns, according to H4102, I would be able to "recieve" one of those guns per month. In the meantime, I would rack up storage fees for the other 9 guns at a firearms dealer. These storage fees would easily exceed the values of the guns in many cases, but not their intrinsic and heirloom value.

This bill also violates licensed firearm's owners rights to privacy by allowing firearms dealers to access our private information.

I urge you to stand up for your citizens and the US constitution by rejecting this bill.

Ya know.... My first response was to start posting on boston.com "showing him" the error of his ways....

Maybe we all need to learn something from past history... Recently we had the "what do you carry picture" thread that IMO did not turn out so well in the "public eye" of us law abiding gun owners..

I will refrain from arguing my point with those that refuse to acknowledge or accept any other view point other than there own. I will make my arguments with the legislators VS joe blow on the internet, at least in writing on boston.com or like sources.

NES is my home I say what I want here;)

I'm not going to create an account to argue with idiots...
Probably a form letter I got from Lew Evangelidis, but I still like it. (But since he said "voted", does that mean some action has now been taken on it?)

Good Afternoon amb,
I wanted to let you know that I voted against the H4102 when it was before the Committee on the Judiciary. I am very proud of my A+ rating from GOAL and will continue to support the responsible and respectful enthusiasts and outdoorsmen of Central Mass. This proposal is misguided and the further regulation of the law abiding gun owners in the state will not help reduce street violence.
Commenting at the Globe is good and all, but we really need to go after the legislators. Don't run over and post at boston.com and think that's as good as calling up the people who matter here.
I monkeyed with Lord's email a little but this is what I sent them. I'll be calling them tonight once I get out of the office.

Members of Joint Committee on the Judiciary,

I urge you to vote NO and to OPPOSE H. 4102 which is in the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. This bill does nothing to fix crime in Massachusetts, and in fact can instantly turn law abiding citizens, people who are guilty of "passive and victimless crime" (as stated by MA Supreme Judicial Court in Commonwealth vs. Young) into felons.

This bill also does away with the right of lawful, licensed gun owners to conduct legal transactions with other lawful, licensed gun owners. It also makes it to receive an inheritance. For example, if my wife was to pass away, and leave me her 10 guns, according to H4102, I would only be able to "receive" one of those guns per month, despite the fact that they are guns already within my own home.

This bill also redefines a firearm to the point that a common high school physics experiment pertaining to all 3 of Netwon's laws of motion would result in every student who ever takes a physics class in which a potato/spud gun is made into felons.

I implore you, reject this bill and stand up for the law abiding citizens of this great commonwealth.
Probably a form letter I got from Lew Evangelidis, but I still like it. (But since he said "voted", does that mean some action has now been taken on it?)

Good Afternoon amb,
I wanted to let you know that I voted against the H4102 when it was before the Committee on the Judiciary. I am very proud of my A+ rating from GOAL and will continue to support the responsible and respectful enthusiasts and outdoorsmen of Central Mass. This proposal is misguided and the further regulation of the law abiding gun owners in the state will not help reduce street violence.

yeah i got the same response.
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