Gun Sales and Concealed Carry Permits Soar in MA

Great news. The more of us there are the harder it will be to push us around. Hopefully the trend continues and we can start working on making the legal situation in this state a little more reasonable. Even if we can't get rid of some of the more ridiculous laws right away, at least maybe we could get it back to a state where you don't have to practically have a law degree to own a gun in this state.
If we could get all permit holders to vote a specific way I think that would really grab some attention
500k or so permit holders have to have some pull if we all pull in the same direction
If we could get all permit holders to vote a specific way I think that would really grab some attention
500k or so permit holders have to have some pull if we all pull in the same direction
Too many think "I've got mine so F the rest of you, and I'll never have any problem so why should I care"
If we could get all permit holders to vote a specific way I think that would really grab some attention
500k or so permit holders have to have some pull if we all pull in the same direction
I already vote 100% Pro 2A now. Been doing it that way for 40 years. Now what?
If we could get all permit holders to vote a specific way I think that would really grab some attention
500k or so permit holders have to have some pull if we all pull in the same direction

the thread is 8 years old and we're worse off than we were then. we all do what we can, but it's just a finger in the dyke (dike?maura?). i'll keep at it though
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