GUN SAFES ... " THE TRUTH " Guide for buyers.

If it's the same video I watched a year back, I remember it having alot of good info on safes. I'm pretty sure it's a dupe but I would say it's well worth watching.
I still like my fortified dungeon, home security, 2 dogs, the place is trapped and will blow if you don't know the secret knock.

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Poor dogs!
Can I get the cliff notes.

10ga steel min, 8 is better.
don't be fooled by thick looking boxy doors with very little steel.
good safe needs a lot of steel, steel is expensive, ergo good safe is expensive.
external hinges are good
Graffunders are way cool and insanely pricey.
buy bigger than you think you'll need.
Loving my fort knox safe. Eastern security in mendon had quite the assortment to look at. The heavier the better.
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