Gun Owner Saves Cop's Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman!

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If the cop had died it'd have cost the department a fortune in death benefits and cost of replacement.
If the perp had lived it'd have cost the county a fortune in court and prison time.

Good enough reason for me to step in, my property taxes are high enough [laugh]

Perfect logic. :D
I thought I was hot stuff hitting at 100yrds with my 1911!

Nice shootin' Tex!

Eh. That was easy. And we were screwing around using crap ammo.

165 is a hell of a shot given the circumstances, but certainly not outside the realm of possibility (or plausibility)
You would like to think so, would you not?

Not at all, and I think you've missed the point.

Unless you're a descendant of American Indians, you're a descendant of illegal immigrants - e.g., the Dutch, the Spanish, the English, etc.

Like me.
Not at all, and I think you've missed the point.

Unless you're a descendant of American Indians, you're a descendant of illegal immigrants - e.g., the Dutch, the Spanish, the English, etc.

Like me.

Not true. You can't illegally enter a country that doesn't exist or have immigration laws.
Not at all, and I think you've missed the point.

Unless you're a descendant of American Indians, you're a descendant of illegal immigrants - e.g., the Dutch, the Spanish, the English, etc.

Like me.

And where do you think the American Indians came from, they crossed over onto this continent on a land bridge that connected Asia to N. America. So technically N. Americans arent any more Native then you or I, My belief is if your born here your American its that simple
Not at all, and I think you've missed the point.

Unless you're a descendant of American Indians, you're a descendant of illegal immigrants - e.g., the Dutch, the Spanish, the English, etc.

Like me.

That's precious! You're defending the "rightful owners" of the continent by calling them American Indians. That is truly cosmic irony. Its funny at least three different ways.

The Indians (sic) simply immigrated earlier than Europeans did, as a couple of people have already pointed out.
I am not owed anything.

I did my duty and got my paycheck. Done and done.

Gratitude and respect is all I mean

Armed services, firemen, police, etc all run toward the events that sane people run away from - yes they are payed to do so but they are still owed respect for stepping up in the first place.
You'd be surprised how many people on this forum would sit in their recliner and not help your wife or children if they needed it.

I wouldn't be surprised at all! In some places people really believe that keeping your mouth shut and doing nothing is the right thing,until it has to do with there own loved ones.

- - - Updated - - -

Welcome to Northeast Shooters......

Not everyone is the hero type.

But all these people who will not lift a finger to help others, would sure sing a different tune if their life was on the line and only a "stranger" was around to help.

We all have to die someday, somehow.
I wouldn't call it being a hero type, I'd call it being smart to know that you have priorities and you can't take care of your family if you aren't around because you played white knight.

And when you're not around to take care of your family? Its disappointing to think that people don't/wont help someone in dire need.
And when you're not around to take care of your family? Its disappointing to think that people don't/wont help someone in dire need.
When you're not around to take care of your family they don't get taken care of. Simple to understand.
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