Gun Control Advocates Find a Deep-Pocketed Ally in Big Law

I'm surprised that there hasn't been more response to this.

This is absolutely something that needs to get looked at from our side. We've been relying on donations, on the part of a lot of lawyers, for a long time. Heck, Gura got HOSED when he won in Chicago. (

Whatever Trump pics make it to SCOTUS better be damned good to us. I'm not holding my breath. [thinking]
I used to work for a Big Law firm. Real big law not the firms mentioned btw. They were the biggest liberals around. They loved the ACLU and allowed time off to watch the Obama inauguration. The most disgusting thing was when they were bragging internally about getting a cop killer/rapist off of death row.

They sure don't give up.

I guess got to write another check to the NRA.

This isn't really new, the only way to deal with these dipshits is they have to be legally boxed out via legislation. They're getting desperate because they realize that they're not going to win "on the front door".

The real danger of these types of groups of ****sticks is eventually they will start attacking at a small level, elements of "gun culture", eg, noise ordinances, bullshit like that; trying to stop ranges from getting built, etc. Shitberg & co have a lot of money to waste on this stuff.

The only way this will ever stop is if we can somehow culturally move enough people to the point of these kinds of people being considered no different than diddlers, etc. A solid link needs to be established that these mother****ers get innocent people killed and are damaging to the economy.

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The Left likes appointing activist judges, well then Trump should also do the same. Fill the benches with pro 2A judges from coast to coast wherever he can. There's no more time to play nice with these morons.
the names of these law firms need to be publicly published, so business men can make sure thy do NOT give them any future business. If a manager who is pro 2A has a choice between an anti or pro/neutral law firm, he will choose the later every time. Make it "unacceptable" for public companies to be supporting gun grabbing agenda, like it should be
they should be tried for treason. The are committed to infringe on and suppress constitutionally guaranteed rights of free Americans.
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