GTV Live Shopping, GunTV

Ugh the GunTv loophole! Now gangbangers can just call up and have a fully automatic Paris style assault Glock 47 delivered to their door in the same package as their heroin and weed!
The goal of GunTV, which also uses the name GTV Live Shopping, is to expand to a 24/7 lineup in its first year but will start at first with a 1 to 5 a.m. schedule that includes more than four hours of shopping opportunities.

Great time for late night drunks and insomniacs to be watching.

I predict the moonbats will flip out, protest and threaten boycotts against the cable providers who carry the programming.
"every hour of programming, 3 minutes will be dedicated to firearm education and safety training."

Don't know what quality of training can be provided in 3 minutes. Maybe more of a PSA.

Anyway, eager to see how it all works out

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