Girard Sues Wife.

Where can I send a check?

Since their marriage in 1998, the Girards had not only been husband and wife but patient and doctor, an unusual arrangement that came about when Girard went on the MIT health plan, the suit says.


Over the course of their marriage, the suit says, Dr. Girard repeatedly prescribed various medications, including lithium, Luvox, Nardil, Parnate and Nifedipine (a blood pressure medication), all without ever telling him that her diagnosis had changed or filing a treatment plan.

Isn't it against medical ethics rules to treat family members in non-emergency situations? If so, how does this woman still have a license to practice medicine?
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One more reason I'll never get married.

I hope he takes everything she has, including the medical license.
Hope he takes everything she has and everything she will make in the future. but being MA I assume they will up the alimony he has to pay to her
Bradford Keene, who represents Girard, said his client's life has been "destroyed" by his estranged wife's allegations.
"He absolutely cannot get a job," said Keene, who filed the suit on Monday in Salem Superior Court. "This is a brilliant, brilliant guy. This has just devastated him."

Well played, councilor.
I wish the guy the best of luck with this lawsuit.

I noticed that the wife has moved to CA and has been issued a medical license by that state. She will probably feel right at home there. Aside from the defamation lawsuit, wouldn't it be nice if she had to pay him alimony. After all, it was her accusations which have caused him to become unemployed and have prevented him from finding new unemployment.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. It's more savory that way.
Score one for manipulative women! Hopefully this guy can recoup some of his lost life (albeit in the form of money).
Isn't it against medical ethics rules to treat family members in non-emergency situations? If so, how does this woman still have a license to practice medicine?

i believe that is part of the payback. He is using her secrets against her.
I hope there are forthcoming charges against the bitch. I wish him well and the hopes she gets run over by a bus, after the settlement in his favor.
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