Getting pulled over

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Here's my one and only encounter with the Ohio State Highway Patrol as posted in another forum on 5/15:

Today, for the first time in my life I suffered a mechanical breakdown that required me to take immediate action and stop ASAP.

Coming home (Troy) from work (Sidney) on I 75 I had an overheat. BIG time overheat. Luckily I was less than a mile from SR55 exit and and the breakdown lane was clear so I pulled over to it, shifted to neutral, and let the engine idle while I coasted as far as momentum would take me.

As it was, I ended up maybe 50 yards from the SR55 exit when the truck stopped. I pulled off into the grass (too many people die when some moron strikes their car that is barely off the freeway), popped the hood, looked around and waited for the thing to cool.

I was just about to dial the local Chrysler dealer to schedule a visit when a trooper pulls up. As soon as I see him park I hang up, greet him when he walks up and tells him I have a legally concealed hangun. He asks where it is and I say back here and I point to my 4 o'clock on my waist under my untucked polo. He says "ok, thanks for telling me" and switches gear to the condition of my vehicle and what would I like him to do.

I asked if he could stay with his lights on (mostly to make sure truckers change over one lane) for a few minutes while the engine cools. He gets back in his car and waits there. I wait well away from traffic in the weeds, check my engine temp, seems OK now. I give him a thumbs up through his windshield and drive off.

BTW, Ohio links Concealed Handgun Licenses to DL records so if you are the registered owner of the vehicle you are driving, the cop will know you have a CHL the moment he runs your plate and you have a legal duty to notify LEOs who approach you on official business of the fact that you are carrying a firearm. If you are not carrying during the encounter, there is no duty to notify.

I did write a nice, thank you letter to the trooper and I did mention I appreciated him being level headed about me being armed.

You (cop) ARE a civilian. So I am. Though for ten years I was not.


Main Entry: ci·vil·ian
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1: a specialist in Roman or modern civil law
2 a: one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force

ci·vil·ian /sɪˈvɪlyən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[si-vil-yuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person who is not on active duty with a military, naval, police, or fire fighting organization. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


ci·vil·ian (sĭ-vĭl'yən) Pronunciation Key
A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the military, the police, or a belligerent group.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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Just because the usage of the word has been corrupted for so long that dictionaries now accept it does not make it correct.

Police are CIVIL authorities. Armies and Navies are MARTIAL authorities. Get it?
If the major dictionaries find it acceptable, it's fair game to use the term whether you or I agree with the usage is irrelevant.
Main Entry: clip
Function: noun
1 : any of various devices that grip, clasp, or hook
2 : a device to hold cartridges for charging the magazines of some rifles; also : a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm
3 : a piece of jewelry held in position by a clip

I guess we should stop laughing people who don't know the difference between a clip and a mag now? Yes, Virginia, even the invisible cabal that writes the dictionary doesn't even know what the Hell it's talking about anymore.

Tyranny by dictionary is no excuse for enabling that particular superiority complex.
Thank you crak. A policeman is a civilian no matter if him and the dictionary think otherwise.
If the major dictionaries find it acceptable, it's fair game to use the term whether you or I agree with the usage is irrelevant.

You can quote all the dictionaries you want..The fact is if you are not bound to the UCMJ,you are a civilian.

Blackwater contractors are civilians,or does your dictionary define them as a military organization ? [wink]
It's kind of funny how I got pulled over for speeding numerous times and the only times I ever got tickets was when I did not have a firearm on me and the LTC thingie coming up and all!! Go figure. Once I had a WWII anti tank gun in the back of my range rover along with the STEN MK II and God knows what else in addition to numerous grocery bag size piles of ammo stuffed in boxes, got pulled over for speeding, had the nice chat with the MASP trooper, showed him all my permits, licenses etc. and he just thought it was great. I would not recommend it to anyone else but it sure must have been a good story back at the office. Needless to say I was, fortunately, not in any kind of a big rush to get to the club so the half hour plus long stop did not really bother me. Maybe Greg should try this approach. He's got that very cheery, loving, puppy dog style disposition. How about it ol' pal.
It's never happened to me before, but I have wondered.

O.K. So you are driving along, minding your own buisness with your favorite gun on your hip or under the shoulder and you get pulled over. Do the Police know if you are an LTC holder when they run the plates or check your license? If not, do you have an obligation to inform the officer that pulled you over that you are carrying, I'm thinking no. Anyone ever been in this situation before.


Good answer. [smile]
I accidentally posted a reply on the NES facebook page, I need to change my settings, I've since received 35 email responses in the past 1/2 hour.
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