Garand exploding in hands

She had some kind of malfunction, looked like she tried to work the bolt the round before it went off. I'm on my phone, can't hear if there was a weird sound then also before it went ka-boom.
I bet it was out of battery. Looks like she rode the bolt instead of letting it slam shut.
I remember this video and I think this happened years ago. IIRC the guy who took the video posted on gunboards or milsurps and there was a long thread about it with pictures and the whole 9 yards. I don't remember what conclusion they came to but I think it was a double charged reload. I'll see if I can find a link.
Take a look at this video. Girl had Garand (?) explode in her hands.

Could be out of battery, but since the action can clearly be heard going back into battery, I would guess an overcharge based on the results of the catastrophic failure.

Apparently, she is okay:

From the video comments by the woman holding the rifle while it exploded:

The 7th round jammed, which is nothing unusual for this gun. It happens all the time. That is why I didn’t really hesitate to shoot the final round. I was very lucky with the outcome. I have lots of splinters and bruising, but nothing broken. My left hand took the brunt of the blow to my wrist and palm of my hand. Still pretty painful, but I will be fine.
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Damn that was intense. Im no expert but that seemed like an double charge.
Damn that was intense. Im no expert but that seemed like an double charge.

couldn't be a double charge, there's nowhere near enough room left in the case when you charge it with 45-47 grains of powder. You could overcharge it but I don't think an overcharge alone would cause that much destruction, at least not with the amount of room that's left in the case after the first charge. You'd get several more grains in there but it would become really obvious just looking at it once it starts filling up the neck.

I'm sticking with out of battery. Yes we heard the action closing but she was easing it along instead of just smacking the back of the op rod handle like you should and letting it slam home. We can't tell just from the sound of the action closing that it was completely in battery before the trigger was pulled.
Most likely a combination of a worn firing pin tail and riding the op rod home. With in-spec components the firing pin travel forward unless the bolt is fully locked/rotated which aligns the tail of the firing pin with a slot in the safety bridge.

That's my guess.
what I couldn't see is if she ejected the cartridge that failed to feed/fire she waits a few secounds as if it miss fired? could be possible barrel obstruction. I also did not see anything come out of the barrel on the kaboom shot.
I never really seen anything about what they might have been reloading. I don't know enough about all powders to say. A doulble charge of extruded powder would be tough ....ball powder you could get a good over charge. either way that could have been really careful
its like one viewer said "bang and no recoil" stop check the chamber clear all rounds and look at them all, check barrel for any obstructions.
its like one viewer said "bang and no recoil" stop check the chamber clear all rounds and look at them all, check barrel for any obstructions.

I don't think there was a 'bang'. I think that last round didn't load automatically so it 'dry fired', she then cycled the action and chambered the bomb/round.
The more I look at that video shot seven it apears she removes the case, you can see her grip on her forward hand is different. I still say squib load barrel obstruction.
its hard to see but it looks like she waits a bit as a hangfire open bolt enough for case to pop up then she takes case out and sends last round home.
My new scenario; no powder charge in the 7th round. The primer sent the bullet into the barrel where it lodged (squib). This, of course, doesn't cycle the action. Round 8 is loaded manually and boom!
I counted 6 rounds going off with good recoil the 7th one she had to chamber.If it was a squib,it was one strong enough to give her a good recoil and eject the shell.I would agree with Sweeney,but I did not see a casing eject when she cycled the bolt on the 7th round.I think bolt was not locked,or a hot load.
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I counted 6 rounds going off with good recoil the 7th one she had to chamber.If it was a squib,it was one strong enough to give her a good recoil and eject the shell.I would agree with Sweeney,but I did not see a casing eject when she cycled the bolt on the 7th round.I think bolt was not locked,or a hot load.

look close at :16 sec mark she reaches with her left hand above the receiver then look at her left hand under the stock her pinky and ring finger are curled as if holding the cartridge, compare it to her grip on the 1st 6 shots. on shot seven there is no recoil.....she flinches theres no bang no puff from the muzzle. She pulls the trigger flinches....then things go wrong.
Damn that was intense. Im no expert but that seemed like an double charge.
Garands were tested with proof charges until they blew up: Springfield Armory routinely tested overcharges to minimize the danger to soldiers. They were way over double the chamber pressure and usually blew out the bottom. This was different.
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