Fu@king Trace Adkins

Dear Trace,I hope your dog gets run over by your pickup truck while your Ex. is driving, and she is making love to your new wife as they are talking about taking all your money.
Sincerely a fan.
Dear Trace,I hope your dog gets run over by your pickup truck while your Ex. is driving, and she is making love to your new wife as they are talking about taking all your money.
Sincerely a fan.

Sounds like the next country hit song.
That's not particularly saying much, given that absolutely nothing in popular "country" music in the last two decades relates to anything that came before; you have to enter the subgenres, and the only real breakout from those is Sturgill Simpson.
we need more lije Sturgil Simpson, Tyler Childers. Do you have any recommendations on those subgenres I can search out
Hes also a limp dick faggot pop country c*** poser
But he's got a deep voice, so he can't be. LOL

He has three ex-wives, give him a break!

Net worth $19 million, according to inter webs.
If you've got three ex-wives, the problem is you, not them. MAYBE you're bad at picking good wife material. But more than likely, you're the A-hole in the situation.
Was talking to a ham on 2M the other day who sad that his mobile ant. was 9" tall. Jack.

Hat tip: Instapundit reader Mike McGowan
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