Fox 25 Poll


Poll Results:
Yes, if the change will protect our children. 33.86%
No, age doesn't make a difference, proper supervision does. 66.14%
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Total number of votes: 189
I woke up to that drivel this morning. My first thought was the dismantling of the armed services.
Have to admit I'm surprised by the results.

Why? There are still quite a few right-thinking people down here, despite what the media would have you believe. And maybe there are some people who may not be gun people who are just plain tired of the knee-jerk reaction of "let's pass a law to prevent that" that seems to occur so frequently these days.
Ch.7 Boston led last night's 11p news with the Westfield accident -- pretty late to have it as the lead story, I think it had been mentioned on that channel the night before.

They ran an intant-poll with the story. You could go online, or phone-text your vote. They reported the (anti-gun) vote at the end of the show.

The question was (paraphrased): Should children be allowed to TOUCH ANY GUN?
I've never understood why those 3 magical years between 18 and 21 are seen as somehow magically turning someone who is legally an adult into a responsible adult.
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