Florida gun law

The Florida State legislature has taken steps towards securing Second Amendment rights by eliminating restrictions on firearms. The measures, which will be enacted on October 1, will impose penalties on public officials who pass or enforce gun regulations at the state level. Violators face a $5,000 personal fine and may risk being removed from office by the governor. ....

OOO RAH! [thumbsup] F** YA!

According to the Orlando Sentinel, changes are already underway in the Sunshine State as a result of the newly signed law:

Orange County employees have started removing ‘no firearms’ signs at county parks, and soon they’ll probably black out the same words on brochures. In Groveland, leaders recently erased from the books an ordinance that banned firing a gun into the air….in Boca Raton, the “no guns allowed” sign has come down at City Hall. In Lake County, commissioners recently deleted a provision in an ordinance that would have banned firearms on public lands, including its parks.

SO MUCH WIN! [thumbsup]
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This is the best 2A news I have ever read. As long as these legal precedents keep getting set, there is hope for this cornhole of a state.
will impose penalties on public officials who pass or enforce gun regulations at the state level. Violators face a $5,000 personal fine and may risk being removed from office by the governor. ....
By the way, congrats on your first nonunion thread, Bill.
It finally gives teeth to the state to enforce their preemption clause. This will do away with alot of local ordinances such as no carrying in public parks and the like. However, there is a weird bit in the statutes that contradicts itself. State Constitution says 3-5 day waiting period but a statute says no more than 3 day waiting period.
This is the best 2A news I have ever read. As long as these legal precedents keep getting set, there is hope for this cornhole of a state.
By the way, congrats on your first nonunion thread, Bill.

Imaging a $5000 fine, and the risk of being fired from their hack government jobs here in MA!
And there lies the problem, left wing weasels appointed to jobs who come up with there own restrictions/laws....things the politicians themselves are afraid to do!

BTW, I am sure unions were generally against the politicians that came up w/ this law....as always.
It finally gives teeth to the state to enforce their preemption clause. This will do away with alot of local ordinances such as no carrying in public parks and the like. However, there is a weird bit in the statutes that contradicts itself. State Constitution says 3-5 day waiting period but a statute says no more than 3 day waiting period.

No waiting period if you have a Florida LTC
I'm unimpressed.

We have pre-emption here and every time someone (Seattle) tries to make up it's own laws, the state has smacked them down with a preliminary injunction before the ink is dry on the local law. -Followed shortly after by the State SC telling the city to get F****d and pay the state's attorney fees.

Maybe if their AG didn't suck so bad they wouldn't have the issue.
Ya, Bill, what Jose said +1

That's excellent that the system is working in WA, but there is NOTHING wrong with writing the law and adding penalties such as in FL. That also preempts someone in the chain of the 'system working in WA' changing their mind or being replaced and making it not work.

How could you see anything other then WIN in this move??
Bill every time a personal penalty is attached to .gov misconduct I only see it as a good thing.
This is one of the few cases of "good law" that there is - one that imposes clear, enforceable and painful penalties on government officials for abusing their power.

Outside sanctions for and extensions of the the typical no-nos (murder, robbery, assault, etc...), the remainder of the field of law is generally an abridgment of rights who's ultimate gain for society is smaller than its cost.
This is the best 2A news I have ever read. As long as these legal precedents keep getting set, there is hope for this cornhole of a state.
By the way, congrats on your first nonunion thread, Bill.

Not in this shithole state:

Excerpt: "At a Public Health Committee meeting of the WDMS, Leonard Morse, former president of the WDMS and the MMS and the recently retired Worcester Public Health Commissioner, upon hearing about the pending Florida legislation, encouraged me to draft a resolution for the MMS HOD to express our dismay as a district at this incursion on the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship, this interference with the public health, and this violation of the 1st Amendment rights of physicians in favor of 2nd Amendment rights of gun owners and their politically powerful representatives, the National Rifle Association.

So write a resolution I did, with the help of Drs. Morse and Broadhurst. The Delegation of the WDMS to the MMS HOD met and discussed it ~ and as a District we approved it. Along the way, we picked up a groundswell of support from the student section of the MMS ~ thanks to the efforts of first year UMMS student Matt Janko ~ and from the psychiatric community in the form of a supportive blog entry on a major psychiatric medical blog site (Psych Central, www.hsph.harvard.edu/research/hicrc) written by new friend and ally Ron Pies."

Read the entire article here: http://www.wdms.org/html/womed_jul-aug11/womed_jul-aug11.htm#Presidents_Message
I'm not saying the law is bad. I didn't quote the thing I was really responded to:

This is the best 2A news I have ever read.

Sure, I suppose it's good. But honestly, WTF is the matter in Florida that the cities aren't already well aware they will get hammered for violating the pre-emption laws? Penalties are fine, I guess I would rather the state's local officials have some respect for the law in the first place. And that the AG do their damned job and hammer towns that violate the pre-emption.
I'm not saying the law is bad. I didn't quote the thing I was really responded to:

Sure, I suppose it's good. But honestly, WTF is the matter in Florida that the cities aren't already well aware they will get hammered for violating the pre-emption laws? Penalties are fine, I guess I would rather the state's local officials have some respect for the law in the first place. And that the AG do their damned job and hammer towns that violate the pre-emption.
Politicians generally behave better than criminals only in that they change their behavior when sanctioned. Otherwise, they will expand to fit their container.
Here in MA a government official can loose a court case, and then do the exact same thing to the next person with ZERO consequences. The wealthy get justice sometimes and the average person have their God given rights taken away by these filthy Marxist sociopaths hiding behind there position, like a little sissy hiding behind mommies apron. Can you think of a lower form of human?

And that is what makes MA the corrupt lawless dump it is.

And laws like the one in FL are the only thing that can fix it....not only for firearms issues but everything!
Palm Beach County May Challenge State Gun Law...

Palm Beach County commissioners are considering challenging new state legislation that will require them to repeal tougher gun laws that they've passed in recent years.

A new Florida law will fine counties that have more stringent gun laws than the state.

Under the new law, Palm Beach County would have to repeal several county gun laws, including bringing guns to a park or child-care facilities and shooting a gun east of the 20-mile bend.

"The fact is guns kill people," county Commissioner Burt Aaronson says.

That's why he says his fellow commissioners are looking to challenge the new state law.

"What we're doing now is we're going forward and having our attorneys look into lawsuits that we may bring against the state and challenge it, and if we have to we'll go to the Supreme Court," Aaronson says.....

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