Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

Let's put this whole Healey going after Exxon, gun owners, etc. thing into perspective. There is NO downside for her. If she wins these court battles she 'wins'. If she loses them, she still 'wins'.

This all about publicity and politics and short of getting caught doing something highly unethical or illegal (which won't happen) she will win on the political front which is all that matters to her.

She's not going to get recalled. AG's don't get voted out of office, especially with her high profile and deep pockets. She will remain AG for as long as she wants the job and the cash will continue to roll in because to her political base she's David to the Goliaths that are big oil and the 'gun lobby'.
Well said Knuckle Dragger.

NES is an echo chamber. We need to remember that most MA voters don't think the way we do. The MA legislature is overwhelmingly Democratic and anti-gun because they faithfully reflect the sentiments of most MA voters.
Let's put this whole Healey going after Exxon, gun owners, etc. thing into perspective. There is NO downside for her. If she wins these court battles she 'wins'. If she loses them, she still 'wins'.

This all about publicity and politics and short of getting caught doing something highly unethical or illegal (which won't happen) she will win on the political front which is all that matters to her.

She's not going to get recalled. AG's don't get voted out of office, especially with her high profile and deep pockets. She will remain AG for as long as she wants the job and the cash will continue to roll in because to her political base she's David to the Goliaths that are big oil and the 'gun lobby'.
Unfortunately you are correct. She is a protected liberal in a uber liberal State. Remember, liberals only obey laws they agree with and don't believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The Dems are controlled by the coastal elites and they don't seem to comprehend the beating they just took. Instead of self evaluation they are doubling down on their repressive opinions(good for us) and digging in to oppose Trump(the people) at every opportunity. Maura will lead the charge for the clueless m*******s and we are the enemy.
And the taxpayers are paying for Maura's assault.
Attorney General Maura Healey’s office has shelled out $44,000 and counting to a high-powered Texas law firm a judge dubbed the “most expensive” in the Dallas area as she fights an order to appear in the Lone Star State over her probe of Exxon Mobil.

Healey’s growing legal bill to McKool Smith dates back to at least July, when the firm first notified the Texas federal court they were on the case. That includes lead attorney Douglas Cawley, whom one trade publication crowned a “litigation star” in his field, according to *McKool Smith’s website.
The case is a steaming pile - remember she knows that she probably can't win. That isn't the point - it's to make her bones for her next job - Charlie are you listening.

As an aside, next campaign season we need to go and mess with his rallies.

Anyway, she also knows it costs Exxon-Mobil big money and it costs her nothing. The longer she drags it out and forces Exxon-Mobil to submit possibly millions of documents - it costs them more and they might settle. The same as 7/20/16 - it has and will cost her nothing, other than bragging rights to get the corner office - Charlie pack your trash.

If more companies had stones this BS wouldn't happen. Exxon-Mobil could pull out of Mass, close their stations and refuse to sell fuel with the state. Some gun companies have done similar.
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Kind of reminds me of the attorney in Alaska who filed a writ of habeus pistola:
As an initial matter, Attorney General Healey cites no procedural vehicle or legalstandard for her so-called “motion to vacate” the Court’s Deposition Order, and ExxonMobil isunaware of any federal or local rule that permits the Attorney General to make such a motion.For this reason alone, the Attorney General’s “motion to vacate” should be denied.
Not sure it would happen or not but I wonder how many cheeks would clinch in this state if the new administration even hinted they might take a look at federal funding going to states with a record of civil right violations, like say MA, NY, NJ , CA.
Something like that may never happen, but Trump would be the most likely president to do it in my lifetime.
Let's put this whole Healey going after Exxon, gun owners, etc. thing into perspective. There is NO downside for her. If she wins these court battles she 'wins'. If she loses them, she still 'wins'.

This all about publicity and politics and short of getting caught doing something highly unethical or illegal (which won't happen) she will win on the political front which is all that matters to her.

She's not going to get recalled. AG's don't get voted out of office, especially with her high profile and deep pockets. She will remain AG for as long as she wants the job and the cash will continue to roll in because to her political base she's David to the Goliaths that are big oil and the 'gun lobby'.

Win or lose, she wins, but IMO, you are missing a big point, and that is the entertainment factor.

I'd love to see the Exxon attorneys make a fool out of her in a deposition when asking her questions about GW/Climate Change and her association with the liberal activists behind this farce. After their initial questions asking her what data, knowledge, or qualifications she has to support and prove GW is happening, it's all downhill from there on in her deposition.
Win or lose, she wins, but IMO, you are missing a big point, and that is the entertainment factor.

I'd love to see the Exxon attorneys make a fool out of her in a deposition when asking her questions about GW/Climate Change and her association with the liberal activists behind this farce. After their initial questions asking her what data, knowledge, or qualifications she has to support and prove GW is happening, it's all downhill from there on in her deposition.

That and if she's shown to be cutting deals with politically motivated groups to misuse her position.
That's not her job description.
And page 4 of this link to Exxon's opposition clearly lays out what I previously stated. Essentially, the Texas judge ordered limited discovery of the jurisdictional issue and Maura flipped the bird to the court, hence the order to depose by the judge. This could get very interesting.
I hope they drag that crazy b**** down there in chains. [rockon]
Let's put this whole Healey going after Exxon, gun owners, etc. thing into perspective. There is NO downside for her. If she wins these court battles she 'wins'. If she loses them, she still 'wins'.

This all about publicity and politics and short of getting caught doing something highly unethical or illegal (which won't happen) she will win on the political front which is all that matters to her.

She's not going to get recalled. AG's don't get voted out of office, especially with her high profile and deep pockets. She will remain AG for as long as she wants the job and the cash will continue to roll in because to her political base she's David to the Goliaths that are big oil and the 'gun lobby'.

I believe she is up for re election in 2018
Isn't that the same tude that the Hillary campaign took?
and jakes,coakley?
Hillary won the owerwhelming majority off MA voters, so that one validates my statement.

Jacques was not voted out of office. She chose not to run to go serve a gay group in DC, then become an administrative law judge. She regularly won on a platform of "I am proud of being opposed by GOAL. i do not want their votes."

Coakley lost because it rained the day of the special election and only motivated voters turned out. There is little evidence to suggest the gun issue was key in her defeat. This one is an outlier.
Isn't that the same tude that the Hillary campaign took?
and jakes,coakley?
Hillary won the overwhelming majority off MA voters, so that one validates my statement about the ability to win office in MA on an anti-gun rights platform.

Jacques was not voted out of office. She chose not to run to go serve a gay group in DC, then become an administrative law judge. She regularly won re-election on a platform of "I am proud of being opposed by GOAL. I do not seek or want their votes."

Coakley lost because it rained the day of the special election and only motivated voters turned out. There is little evidence to suggest the gun issue was key in her defeat. This one is an outlier.
Before posters in this thread canonize her, perhaps she won't be as popular as the legal bills mount up - $44,000 so far just for a TX law firm to defend her. It doesn't count what her own department has spent so far on a "suspicion" of a crime.

[FONT=&amp]Dallas law firm McKool Smith is charging Attorney General Maura Healey's office up to $500 per hour's work to help fight the [/FONT]lawsuit brought against her[FONT=&amp] by oil giant ExxonMobil.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]The McKool Smith bill totals $44,000 so far. U.S. District Court Judge Ed Kinkeade called the law firm the "most expensive" and "most successful" in the Dallas area, according to the Boston Herald. Fees range between $125 and $500 per hour.

[FONT=&amp]A McKool Smith representative told The Herald the firm's services are actually being provided to Massachusetts at a discounted rate. [/FONT]

Healey suspects ExxonMobil of deliberately misleading the public regarding the impact of fossil fuel burning on the environment.

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Is there a viable Rep candidate to rally around, start campaigning for, tossing money too? Bitching and moaning about Heir Healey is all well and good but I'm ready to take action to get her the hell out.
Is there a viable Rep candidate to rally around, start campaigning for, tossing money too? Bitching and moaning about Heir Healey is all well and good but I'm ready to take action to get her the hell out.
Not unless you get a D on our side. Funds spend on a R opposing an incumbent D rep in MA are wasted.
Is there a viable Rep candidate to rally around, start campaigning for, tossing money too? Bitching and moaning about Heir Healey is all well and good but I'm ready to take action to get her the hell out.

Trump administration is facing the same problem in their search for a new federal prosecutor for Mass. Who?
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