Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

Please dear God! Please make it so.

Maura seems to want to test the limits of what her special "protected class" status buys her. .

Politically it buys her a ton. Legally it's worth shit with a federal judge who has a lifetime appointment.

She is punch drunk on power right now and she has a serious D slapping coming her way. Maybe it will knock some sense into her.

As I said before, I'm calling the DOJ on her in February for civil rights violations
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Sad thing is she was the more lawful and sane of the Democratic candidates for AG last election. Unless the courts impress upon the office a culture of 'respect the law as written and observe the oath sworn duties and limitations of your office', some other nitwit will go right back to bullying for attempted career advancement rather than serving the Commonwealth.

Either that or we get a nonpartisan independent AG or a strict constitutionalist Republican AG.

The courts wont be impressing anything on her office because her wife is a mass Appellate court judge. Since baker likes her so much she will get a judgeship and will hurt more families until she retires at 70
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The courts wont be impressing anything on her office because her wife is a mass Appellate court judge. Since baker likes her so much she will get a judgeship and will hurt more families until she retires at 70
Hurts families. !! [rolleyes] can we stop it with this weak ass statement. How about she is just a Tyrant
Hurts families. !! [rolleyes] can we stop it with this weak ass statement. How about she is just a Tyrant

Maybe this and more, but she will have Bakers job soon. He does not have a prayer. When he was OK with her stance on guns, it was a Done deal. She will run on the platform that it was her, not Faker, that made the e I'll rifles go away.

I got $20 on it.
Politically it buys her a ton. Legally it's worth shit with a federal judge who has a lifetime appointment.

She is punch drunk on power right now and she has a serious D slapping coming her way. Maybe it will knock some sense into her.

As I said before, I'm calling the DOJ on her in February for civil rights violations

You might be on to something there.
I wonder if GOAL has considered a petition to the new administration from folks in the Commieweath about our rights being violated.
I'll haunt the club for a couple of weekends to get signatures
... don't sell her short .... people that think with emotions instead of logic are capable of extreme stupidity.

She isn't that stupid. She knows what happens when you defy an order to appear. She won't do that.

She has already filed a motion to squash the order. If that succeeds she doesn't have to appear. If that fails, she may appeal. If all her attempts fail, then I predict she will appear. At that point her arrogance and clever Exxon attorneys may lead her to a perjury trap, but I think that is a long shot.

She has achieved more anti-gun victories than Reilly or Coakley. Don't underestimate her. She isn't stupid.

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I would say pissing off several hundred thousand people is pretty stupid. She may find it comes back on her and not in a positive way.

She hasn't pissed off several hundred thousand people.

GOAL has about 20,000 members. Most of the other gun owners in MA are clueless about what she has done. Politicians who push gun control in MA win elections. They don't lose them. Most voters in MA don't share our opinions on gun control, particularly when it comes to so-called assault weapons.

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She isn't that stupid. She knows what happens when you defy an order to appear. She won't do that.

She has already filed a motion to squash the order. If that succeeds she doesn't have to appear. If that fails, she may appeal. If all her attempts fail, then I predict she will appear. At that point her arrogance and clever Exxon attorneys may lead her to a perjury trap, but I think that is a long shot.

She has achieved more anti-gun victories than Reilly or Coakley. Don't underestimate her. She isn't stupid.

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Truth be told , she hasn't "Won " anything yet, she just managed to screw around with us till it gets to court.
If we didn't have the perfect storm of corrupt house speaker and sackless RINO governor , she wouldn't have even got this far.
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Truth be told , she hasn't "Won " anything yet, she just managed to screw around with us till it gets to court.
If we didn't have the perfect storm or corrupt house speaker and sackless RINO governor , she wouldn't have even got this far.
* I'll take Cheryl Jacques 2.0
for $400 please Alex.
hope she gets flushed just like fake jake.

Her only 'achievement' is a massive legally dubious overreach. No other AG was sufficiently delusional and emboldened to take step she did. If it weren't for her background and the HRC campaign, the legislative leadership would have tugged her leash with a "Hell no!" by now.

When she eventually loses big in court Deleo and Rosenberg will throw her under the bus so fast she'll never know what hit her.
Truth be told , she hasn't "Won " anything yet, she just managed to screw around with us till it gets to court.
If we didn't have the perfect storm of corrupt house speaker and sackless RINO governor, she wouldn't have even got this far.
In the end, she only wins if we let her win.
If she makes her AW ban a point of her campaign, it will increases her chances of winning in this state.

Exactly. Here in the NES echo chamber, we are appalled at her AW ban. But among the MA electorate, she has broad support for her actions.

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If she makes her AW ban a point of her campaign, it will increases her chances of winning in this state.

Exactly. Here in the NES echo chamber, we are appalled at her AW ban. But among the MA electorate, she has broad support for her actions.
No offense intended but what are you implying we should do (or not do) to end her out-of-control tyranny? [thinking]
If she makes her AW ban a point of her campaign, it will increases her chances of winning in this state.

Exactly. Here in the NES echo chamber, we are appalled at her AW ban. But among the MA electorate, she has broad support for her actions.

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So, the answer is to roll over and do nothing? She hasn't won anything yet. As governor, she will not be reinterpreting existing laws. In addition, she could end up looking very bad wrt the ExxonMobile case alone.
I don't know how you guys came to the conclusion that implied that. I didn't ever say or imply that.

Maybe it was a misunderstanding, but it was stated that the AG has broad support for her actions (AWB). However, her broad support is meaningless as it will be the Court(s) that decide the matter (as you acknowledged later).
We continue to fight her in federal court.

Federal Court takes forever. What we need is pro2A legislation with a newly appointed pro2A SCOTUS judge on the bench. Legislators have 2 years to start churning out bills that kill gun control left and right. Maybe they'll surprise us, maybe they won't.
If she makes her AW ban a point of her campaign, it will increases her chances of winning in this state.

What he said. What everyone needs to remember is that liberal politicians love gun control because it makes a section of their base deliriously happy and most importantly doesn't cost anything.

A few million fighting in court is peanuts compared to fixing our roads, fixing our schools, or loading an extra $10 a week onto those EBT cards.
Federal Court takes forever. What we need is pro2A legislation with a newly appointed pro2A SCOTUS judge on the bench. Legislators have 2 years to start churning out bills that kill gun control left and right. Maybe they'll surprise us, maybe they won't.

We won't get pro-2A state legislation. Maybe federal.
What we need is pro2A legislation with a newly appointed pro2A SCOTUS judge on the bench.
Wait, do you mean pro2A legislation in Massachusetts? [rofl][rofl][rofl][rofl]I almost spit coffee all over my keyboard. If you mean on the federal level, I wouldn't hold my breath, either. Senate and Congress have proven repeatedly that they have no balls and Trump is loading his cabinet with political hacks who will keep on keeping on.
Wait, do you mean pro2A legislation in Massachusetts? [rofl][rofl][rofl][rofl]I almost spit coffee all over my keyboard. If you mean on the federal level, I wouldn't hold my breath, either. Senate and Congress have proven repeatedly that they have no balls and Trump is loading his cabinet with political hacks who will keep on keeping on.

I think we will see administrative actions that directly affect our gun rights. Federal "pro gun" legislation would be risky and need to be carefully crafted. I wouldn't hold out much hope there.

What you are likely to see is a more friendly SCOTUS that would reinforce our rights past Heller and hopefully strike down something like the MA AWB. I wonder if Healey hasn't started that ball rolling with her posturing on July 20? She really doesn't want that case going to SCOTUS in the next four years.
As explained to us by Len Segal Baker has no control over the AG/Healey, they are co-equals. She is a radical leftist who is on a mission and had a plan to ride the coattails of Hildebeast into a job in her admin. I don't think she ever thought Trump would win and now her AWB decree and her conspiracy w/other leftist AG's on climate change is coming back to bite her. We'll see if anything happens at the State House in January on the AWB but I'm not hopeful.
Maybe it was a misunderstanding, but it was stated that the AG has broad support for her actions (AWB). However, her broad support is meaningless as it will be the Court(s) that decide the matter (as you acknowledged later).
I'm old. I'm not sure I will live long enough to see that.

So all we have left is the Federal court (years away) and maybe the hope that President Trump will eventually give us a pro-2A SCOTUS that will eventually help sort out some of the more oppressive anti-2A state laws or unilateral decrees. This sounds to me like an admission of defeat for all other avenues we tried or were planning to try once the state legislature reconvened.

I guess I read Rob's post to say that anything more we do publicly (i.e., outside of court) to fight Maura's new AWB will just help her run for governor. That's a pretty damn depressing thought. So just send more money to Comm2A and sit tight I guess. Lord knows we don't want to help crazy Maura become our next governor. [thinking]
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Those gun owners do have families and friends that don't like her actions. It may not be that many but it could be more. She obviously thinks she's above the law and somebody special.

She hasn't pissed off several hundred thousand people.

GOAL has about 20,000 members. Most of the other gun owners in MA are clueless about what she has done. Politicians who push gun control in MA win elections. They don't lose them. Most voters in MA don't share our opinions on gun control, particularly when it comes to so-called assault weapons.

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