Fast Revolver

Weer'd Beard said:

I've been wondering how this guy's revolver differs from yer garden variety wheel-gun.

-Weer'd Beard

Jerry's revolvers differ in that they are fired thousands of times a week in both dry and live fire. He practices a lot. The trigger pull is light and smooth but nothing unreasonable. The man is great to talk to, watch, learn from and spend a little time with.

The main reason he can do what he does is the way he holds his mouth. I just can't get that expression down [lol]

What he does, he can do with just about any revolver. He is just plain amazing.

The main difference is that Jerry has tightened down the nut behind the trigger.

The guy is frickin incredible (that's a technical term).
He's also got the back of the cylinder recessed to take full-moon clips for his reloads. It's a lot more reliable for really quick reloads than your typical speed loader. There are really only two things that matter though. First, Jerry practices about as frequently and consistently as I practice breathing. Second, the man is just damn good at what he does.

I love watching this guy do stuff.

He did a thing where he shot like 60 rounds with ten revolvers in under 18 seconds on one target. It was pretty cool. It was on one of those shooting shows. I don't remember which one it was on.
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