Adam_MA said:
How do you feel this rifle stands up as a SHTF weapon?
Well, let's see here....
7.62x51 (308 Win). Yup passes there, enough power.
Reasonably cheap mags. Yup, passes there.
Rugged, almost beat the T44 to become the M14. Yup, passes there.
AR-15 type ergonomics. Yup, passes there.
Yup, I would consider mine a GOOD SHTF Rifle.
Before you buy one, check it over. If it's got an Imbel receiver, it's GOOD. If it's got a Hesse receiver, PASS. There's a lot of discussion on FALFiles about this, check it out there.
I'll warn you, it's a good forum, but there's some awfully hard headed folks over there. Adam, you've met me, and probably have figured out that I'm not one (smart enough) to leave a pissing contest. I rarely visit FALFiles anymore. THere's some good folks over there, but also some stubborn and ignorant jerks. DABTL (Dumb Ass Bill The Lawyer) can be politically biased, but when he talks firearms, listen well. He knows what he saying. I had a few sparring contests with him before I essentially quit posting there, and I made sure to make my peace with him before leaving. He's NOT the reason I left. A couple of jerks from the Carolinas pretty much left a BAD impression on me. Arrogant jerks, one even tried to screw me on a deal he tried to set up after lying his ass off. Unfortrunately for him, I knew the gun better than he did.
Try PMing or e-mailing amdburner here or there or bykerHD over there (he has a user ID here, but I don't remember it). I personally know both of them, they're Vermonters, and they both have Metric FALs. They're great people to ask.