
Apr 24, 2005
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I'll post the good part for those ergophobic to read the entire article:

Others are less concerned about the cost of living than they are about the left-leaning politics of Massachusetts. Derek Hoskins, 34, prefers to spend $650 in gas a month to commute from his home in Rindge, N.H., to his office in Northborough. He doesn't want to bother with the taxes, gun laws, and other regulations that distinguish life in Massachusetts from New Hampshire.

"When I drive across the border into New Hampshire, I feel as if a weight has been taken off my shoulders," said Hoskins, who moved from Fitchburg last year. "I no longer have a state government that wants to dictate what I do."
"The problem is that we just can't get people to come to Massachusetts as much as they want to leave," said Andrew Sum, the center's director and author of the report. "We need to start asking what we can do to make Massachusetts a more desirable place to live, why people don't want to come here to live."




You don't need to "ask", Andrew!

You need to LISTEN. Plenty of folks, myself included, have been talking about this for years. [EDIT: Most of] the people who choose to stay do not even want to hear what the problem is, let alone do something about it. Solving the problem would shatter their illusion of life in a liberal paradise ruled solely by Democrats.
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"We're looking forward, not backward," Sullivan said. "The challenge is not to look at the historical numbers but to devise the programs that will retain the individuals in the Commonwealth."

WOW! These people are BEYOND clueless!

It's been the "devising of government programs" causing people to leave the state in droves in the first place.

"Oh crap, the boat's leaking! Hand me that drill so I can put some drain holes in the hull."

Good luck to all of you still living down there.

You're going to need it.
I love the spin from the Deval-uator's office:

Officials in Governor Deval Patrick's administration say they are working to give residents more reasons to stay.

Since the administration took power in 2007, the state has gained 20,000 jobs, the average price of single-family homes has dropped about 10 percent...

Last week, the problem of declining home values was a national crisis, the blame for which was being placed on the Bush administration. Go figure.
While I'm forced to remain in Mass for family reasons, for now, I can't imagine it ever getting any better here. The moonbats are in such total control, it would take a major calamity to change the system (Earthquake under the State House during a full session??)

That doesn't mean I don't continue to send my letters to Kennedy, Kerry and Frank, telling them I disagree with their point of view.

A scary thought was yesterday when so many of us realized that it would be easy... no, make that LIKELY, that a replacement for Senator Kenned y would probably be WORSE for our freedom and rights.

I can't even imagine the freedom in states like Idaho, Wyoming, Vermont and others, where you take care of yourself, and the politicians don't tell you they know better than you do.
The MA liberals are in a panic mode over this turn of events.

If the trend continues, this state will lose one (and possibly two), seats in the House of Representatives after the 2010 census.

Good riddance I say. It's too late to save MA, but at least with one or two
fewer libs in Congress, it makes it a little more difficult to contaminate the rest of the country with their agenda.
The thing I love about NH (well, one of the many things) is the fact that all the politicians in the House are volunteers (well, they get $200 for expenses)....In my opinion it makes a HUGE difference in how they operate, and how they do business.



You don't need to "ask", Andrew!

You need to LISTEN. Plenty of folks, myself included, have been talking about this for years. The people who choose to stay do not even want to hear what the problem is, let alone do something about it. Solving the problem would shatter their illusion of life in a liberal paradise ruled solely by Democrats.

You can't say that about all of us that choose to stay. The only reason we are still here is because of hubby's family. If his mom wasn't up there in years, we would be long gone.
Glenn promised his Dad that he would look out for his mother and grandmother for him, before his Dad passed away.
You can't say that about all of us that choose to stay. The only reason we are still here is because of hubby's family. If his mom wasn't up there in years, we would be long gone.
Glenn promised his Dad that he would look out for his mother and grandmother for him, before his Dad passed away.

I'm in a similar situation. While I want my elderly relatives to have a long life, my wife and I are stuck here providing a "support network." I've been telling my own children to acquire experience in their respective fields then MOVE TO A FREE STATE. I give young people entering my profession the same advice.

The topic of people leaving Massachusetts got some attention during the last Gubernatorial race. I distinctly remember candidate Tom "A$$hat" Reilly addressing this subject. His answer was basically "We need more regulation to protect the people." Go here for a sample http://www.tommyduggan.com/VP070506djdeeb.html

Living in Massachusetts is like being a witness to a slow-motion train wreck. As soon as I am able to leave I'm outta here. I know that every state has problems, but I'm really tired of dealing with the crap here in the PRM. [crying] Sadly, I don't see any chance of it getting any better.
I don't need any more reasons or reinforcement to leave. I need opportunity.
If I could sell my house and convince my wife then I'd be out so fast I'd need an SR71 for a moving van.
I was one of the smart ones......I left that state as soon as I was able to. I've lived here in NH since I was 19 years old. I've been in this free state almost 20 years now. Unfortunately the company I work for is based in MA, however I have a company vehicle with fuel costs covered, so it's all good.
The MA liberals are in a panic mode over this turn of events.

If the trend continues, this state will lose one (and possibly two), seats in the House of Representatives after the 2010 census.

Good riddance I say. It's too late to save MA, but at least with one or two
fewer libs in Congress, it makes it a little more difficult to contaminate the rest of the country with their agenda.

Mass. actually filed a petition to SCOTUS to prevent them from losing those two seats. I can not seem to find the case as it was in one of my History books from a few years ago.
It's been the "devising of government programs" causing people to leave the state in droves in the first place.

Pray that they don't ask NJ what their solution was - NJ puts a tax on folks who sell a house in NJ and don't buy another one (ie; moving out of state).

"We have a terrible reputation as not being business friendly," Grogan said. "We have to make substantive changes and not suggest that marketing ourselves is beneath us. We have to shake ourselves out of our complacency."
Gee, think that we have that rep because WE ARE??? Assmuppet. Why don't you friggin' lower some TAXES and stop bleeding the residents and businesses white for a change? Or does that make too much sense for you morons.
Taxes are one component but the over-regulation of absolutely every arena is the big one. And, as we are all aware that will never cease.

They shouted from the rooftops that everyone would be covered by a universal health care system and no child would go with out medical services.
Proponents used heart-wrenching stories of people being denied services in an attempt to make it seem as though their new 'system' would ensure everyone was covered regardless of income level. They wanted everyone to believe they'd take care of you.
All they did was enact a compulsory insurance program that ensured that if you didn't buy some insurance because you didn't have the money to then they'd fine you to take away the money you didn't have to pay for health care in the first place.

When I moved here from New Hampshire I had to change my auto insurer because they weren't available in Mass and my auto insurance premiums went up over 80%, that's right folks 80%, while my coverage went down some 20 something percent and my deductible doubled.

I have to pay $500 a year to file an annual report for my company. Sh*t at least the DOR and the IRS don't pork you that way.
If I hire anybody I have to watch out for a whole litany of insanity that just makes temporary, 1099, or contract workers that much more appealing.
Although, I have to say, my dealings with the sec state's office and DET sincerely have been excellent.

I'm not going to rant for or against any of the state's dealings. Some of the reg's go a long way to protecting people who would otherwise be left out in the cold, but, a lot of what goes on here is just too much for me.

Quite honestly, I have lost interest in a push to find mutually agreeable solutions and I have no interest in attempting to offer a compromise here; I'd rather just find a home elsewhere. I know what the ramifications are, but, the majority have spoken. And, this is the state of the state they want. Let them have it.
Why did they say it like this?

"Immigrants have kept the Bay State's population from declining. The state's population increased just 1.4 percent between 2000 and 2007, and there are now more than 1 million residents here who were born in another country."

Shouldn't that read "Illegal Immigrants"?
Pray that they don't ask NJ what their solution was - NJ puts a tax on folks who sell a house in NJ and don't buy another one (ie; moving out of state).

Glad I left before they could od that... of course I hope you all are able to leave before it happens...
Why did they say it like this?

"Immigrants have kept the Bay State's population from declining. The state's population increased just 1.4 percent between 2000 and 2007, and there are now more than 1 million residents here who were born in another country."

Shouldn't that read "Illegal Immigrants"?

Why do dogs lick their balls?

It's the Globe. It's what they do.
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