Election silver linings thread?

Silver lining - the better half is talking about moving to a deep red state.
Her family has held her here in Mass and they are unashamedly democrats who question nothing the party does.
I think she is getting the point that old blood needs to be thinner than the ties to your children.

Thinking about 25+ acres in W Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky for a homestead.
Just need to reprioritize even if it means not retiring early
The silver lining is Trump is going to win and a lot of people are going to jail and way more R will win in the future because the commie vote fixing machine will be in shambles. Grow some balls people and start enjoying the wins.
I just wish the Republicans had a better candidate, one that could have brought more Independents/ Libertarians into the fold....

Our current system does not create a "best candidate." It creates a most-charismatic-candidate. It did pick nearly best for a long time. Then someone figured out how to game it. Maybe Obama. Not sure. But Trump definitely gamed it. It also gave us Hillary AND Joltin Joe - two AWFUL candidates that won by attrition.

It would be nice to go back to a "machine" picking the best candidates. But then the machine ends up picking candidates that serve its needs, not the countries. So that system sucks, too.

I thought of a great new Silver Lining. Kamala is the first woman and black woman (giggle) Veep. We can check that box. Now the "need" to pick a woman or "black" person is not so significant for the Dems anymore. Maybe it means they pick better human beings and during the times we DO lose, we lose to more decent folks. Maybe.

But after 4 years, you won't hear "first woman. . . blada blada" any more. Ever. EVER!
Silver lining - the better half is talking about moving to a deep red state.
Her family has held her here in Mass and they are unashamedly democrats who question nothing the party does.
I think she is getting the point that old blood needs to be thinner than the ties to your children.

Thinking about 25+ acres in W Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky for a homestead.
Just need to reprioritize even if it means not retiring early

We purchased a small townhouse in Livingston MT about two months ago. We knew we would end up out there in a year but housing is so nuts right now. Land gets gobbled up in a matter of days. Nice homes, the same. Our purchase at the time was somewhat impulsive. Figured it would give us temporary shelter while we figure out the best area; and to wait for the market to cool. Then this would become a rental when we move to the final place. In hindsight, this purchase was freaking genius. I am in the process of trying to buy the other half of the building so I can control the whole thing and either get my parents out there or rent it. Rental rates are not going down anytime soon out there, that's for certain.

We would like to get about 40 acres, maybe more. High ground so I can the bastards coming.
A vote for Biden was really a vote for Harris. Pelosi is already making moves to declare Biden unable to do his duties as president. Even without that I don't think he will last long.

If Biden wins I think it will be by 2 electoral votes.
If Trump wins I think it will be by 3 electoral votes.

Either way very close. But what do I know. I am just looking at results at this point and doing some math.
A vote for Biden was really a vote for Harris. Pelosi is already making moves to declare Biden unable to do his duties as president. Even without that I don't think he will last long.

I think that people who claim they're going to 25th Amendment Joe Biden are underestimating how well the left understands optics. They're wrong on policy but they aren't stupid. There's a much simpler way: Jill Biden. If it's not already planned out, at some point Jill will pressure him to turn over the reins and he isn't in any position to argue with her... who else is going to get him dressed in the morning and remind him what office he holds?

They'll manufacture (or, heck, maybe they don't even have to manufacture) some medical ailment, out of his control, that has nothing to do with his diminished mental state... and he'll gracefully resign for the Good of This Great Country© And by the way, he'll be leaving the country in the capable young hands of the First Black Muslim Woman President Ever©. The narrative is easy to predict.

The left will melt over itself, angelic voices will sing, and they won't even wait for him to die before erecting statues to his worship in the places where those of Abe Lincoln and George Washington used to stand.
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IMO, the only 'silver lining' would be, if Trump doesn't win, that Biden/Haris F thins up so deeply that even the die-hard Dums turn on them and they only get a single term. I also pray that a far superior candidate comes forth to run against their nasty asses come 2024.

I'm VERY glad I don't have TV service at this point. I can't have the stress levels that watching this shit-show would induce.

I'm ready to take a page out of my libtard/dumbocrat family members from what they were doing in 2016... "Not my president" for the B/H set. If they could pull that crap, so can I. [rofl2]
Our current system does not create a "best candidate." It creates a most-charismatic-candidate. It did pick nearly best for a long time. Then someone figured out how to game it. Maybe Obama. Not sure. But Trump definitely gamed it. It also gave us Hillary AND Joltin Joe - two AWFUL candidates that won by attrition.

It would be nice to go back to a "machine" picking the best candidates. But then the machine ends up picking candidates that serve its needs, not the countries. So that system sucks, too.

I thought of a great new Silver Lining. Kamala is the first woman and black woman (giggle) Veep. We can check that box. Now the "need" to pick a woman or "black" person is not so significant for the Dems anymore. Maybe it means they pick better human beings and during the times we DO lose, we lose to more decent folks. Maybe.

But after 4 years, you won't hear "first woman. . . blada blada" any more. Ever. EVER!
Even worse my friend, the first Obese-Muslim-Trans president. Ultimate winner of the victim Olympics
Conservatives held on to alot, and there is alot we can block , but my three main concerns:
- trade deals
- who is Biden going to get us in a war with?
- what will get ruined with EOs

Also glad ranked choice was shot down

Ranked choice wasn't just shot down, it was decimated, and what was even better about that was the fact all those uber liberal billionaires spent over ten million pushing that scheme only to get creamed by the resistance who spent less than 2 grand...if that isn't an in your face or talk to the hand I don't know what is.

And it will be interesting to see how all those union voters from MI and WI react when Biden brings back the outsourcing policies of the Obama admin and starts to tell them again that their jobs are never coming back. I can only say they get what they deserve at this point.
My biggest concern with a Biden/Harris presidency isn't what makes it through Congress for him to sign, it's what he'll do by EO. It's also the fact that he'll pick up where Obama left off in purging people from federal departments and agencies who aren't onboard with their plans.

What you don't realize is something that is an undercurrent in the federal agencies. There was a HUGE hiring push back in the late 90's early 00's on the law enforcement side. These people are nearing the initial retirement requirement of 20 years at 50 years old, the retirement plan has no benefit to continue in the system, it's financially stupid to continue working. There is going to be a mass exodus in the next 2-3 years of the last of the 'somewhat old school' law enforcement. I was trained by the 'old school', but I wasn't actually in that group.

Who is going to replace all these people? The next president is going to appoint the people in power that will be promoting the next wave of career federal leaders. That is what gets me thinking.
A vote for Biden was really a vote for Harris. Pelosi is already making moves to declare Biden unable to do his duties as president. Even without that I don't think he will last long.

If Biden wins I think it will be by 2 electoral votes.
If Trump wins I think it will be by 3 electoral votes.

Either way very close. But what do I know. I am just looking at results at this point and doing some math.

Everyone keeps saying that. It's not going to happen. He's going to poorly serve for 4 years and then quietly go away. The only shot Kamalamadingdong has is if Joe has a major heart attack or stroke. Otherwise it looks like party gamesmanship and while that plays well to the deep Blue people, the middle - the ones that DECIDE elections - will crucify the DNC for years over it.

The same people who say this were the ones that said that Trump was going to resign some time in Term 1 and wander away when he got bored or harassed too much.
Without a miracle it's looking like the Harris/Biden is going to end up in the White House, but maybe things down-ballot could be worse.

  • Looks like Republicans are going to retain the Senate, so hopefully the more bat$hit crazy of Harris/Biden's agenda will have a tough time seeing the light of day
  • There is a conservative majority in the Supreme Court.
  • It also looks like the left's dreams of packing SCOTUS are going to face pretty long odds, too.
  • Pelosi is going to face tough opposition in keeping her seat as Speaker... not that her replacement would be much better, granted.
  • The media and pollsters' predicted landslide and Democrat takeover of the House and Senate completely failed to materialize. Hopefully this will cast them into even further doubt as institutions.
  • The "woke" and progressives were rejected in ballot initiatives nationwide... not everywhere, but in many places thought to be long lost to rational thinking.
  • You guys remember this epic speech? Mark Robinson was just elected Lt. Governor of North Carolina.

View: https://youtu.be/6dZn0D_9VY8

It may be rough four years if the election goes their way, but maybe we can gain some measure of positivity out of it all.

What else?

Cheating worked so well in this election that they'll use it in two years to take away tons of House and Senate seats. Hard to see any silver lining here.
The ballots getting mailed to people without their asking must be stopped !

That's not how they won the election. They took hundreds of thousands of ballots and mailed them, or more likely dropped them off.

Imagine if the US dollar was printed on Staples A4 paper, you think you'd have any counterfeiting?

The only way we'll ever have free elections anymore is if they require ID for every ballot. Want to mail it in, scan your ID and match it to the ballot when you drop it off. Anyone who mentions privacy, lol - the government and Facebook know so much more about each of us than who we're voting for.

But the Dems will never support this - why give up their best constituent - the fake ballot?
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Trump doesn't go anywhere and neither do the people who voted for him. For lack of a better analogy if Trump isnt able to stay in the white house he is our Obi - Wan Kenobi and striking him down will make him even more dangerous to the democratic establishment. The amount of fury he will unleash on social media and conservative outlets from tv to podcasts to email lists will be epic. He will be the specter in the room at every single dem and rep war game think tank...sitting in the corner yelling "WRONG" every time they try to lie on the debate stage. This will be a long fight...decades likely and Trump is not the only figurehead but I believe he started something bigger than himself or all of us. More than ever we have PROOF that our government isn't in it for the people and everyday that passes the foundation cracks gets wider.
Throw away the blackpill friends. This is our battle of concord and the fight has just begun. There are no election results right now. Only litigation and speculation. Have faith

I heard rumors Trump will form a new agency - I think it's a great idea - TNN, it'll displace Fox News overnight.
Everyone keeps saying that. It's not going to happen. He's going to poorly serve for 4 years and then quietly go away. The only shot Kamalamadingdong has is if Joe has a major heart attack or stroke. Otherwise it looks like party gamesmanship and while that plays well to the deep Blue people, the middle - the ones that DECIDE elections - will crucify the DNC for years over it.

The same people who say this were the ones that said that Trump was going to resign some time in Term 1 and wander away when he got bored or harassed too much.

I agree. People will be calling the shots for drooling Biden, but it won't be the lightweight Kamala.
Assuming Biden wins?

He will be the weakest Democrat for a generation, with the active non-support of half the population and more than half the Congress, once you add progressives for whom he's not woke enough. He is not a strong leader. He's not a movement, like Trump is or Obama was. Nobody is a Biden fanatic. He'll get nothing done legislatively, is unlikely to get more than 1 SCOTUS appointment, and is (I think) likely to make many foreign-policy fumbles. This will weaken the Democrat brand for 2024.

The concern is Kamala in 2024, but she'd have been a strong candidate then anyway. A VP stint sets her up as an heir apparent; I think he'll decide not to run in '24, and that she'll be The Anointed One. So she'll avoid the close vetting and scrutiny that will expose her weaknesses for the General, while her confrontational attitude will guarantee the "real" ideological progressives won't give her their full support. She'll be The First Woman To Be Vice-President, but a LOT of women (voters as well as her peers) won't like her because they're not her. And she's got well-known baggage.

Smart dummies in the GOP ought to have their Harris opposition research well established, starting now. And it would be wise for the GOP whiz-kids/brain trust to be deciding now which bright, dynamic, capable Republican they can coalesce behind against Harris in '24. We've got time to prepare while Biden is doddering through his term.
As Moses did in Exodus, Trump is carrying nearly the entire Republican party out of slavery and towards the promised land of true, constitutional, conservative activism. Now it's up to Crenshaw, Ernst, Cruz, Cotton, Jordan, Meadows, McCarthy, Noem, de Santis, and the other firebrands of the right to take on their share of the burden and prepare for 2022 and 2024. McConnell's knowledge and skill in working the senate are invaluable, but he has to join the team fully.

I think we will see in this election litigation whether or not John Roberts is being blackmailed by the Left. Have yet to see a verification of whether that was him listed on Epstein's flight logs.
Love Jim Jordan!!! A Rock Star!! Former NCAA Div. 1 Wrestling Champion!! There are other sports.... Then there is Wrestling!! He could beat the piss outta any 4 Dems, all at the same time, and with one hand. Albeit, my adorable, blue eyed 12 yr old girl, who is the New England Girl's Wrestling Champion for her age/weight, could take out 3 of those panzys!! ;)

Jordan is as brilliantly sharp as he is tough!!
Voter I.D. should be on the agenda. Proof of citizenship gets you a card with your prints, signature, and picture. Election fraud will be punishable by death and if you are illegal, you and any blood relative are banned from entry to the U.S. and any social programs herein.
And no more anchor babies.
I also wonder how long lockdowns will be a thing if/when they confirm Biden, just saw that Boston was trying to market tourism for the spring which would align with a Biden presidency....if that doesn't happen, and things stay locked down until 2022 then expect a four year lame duck session for him which isn't a bad thing.
As long as the senate holds, it’s not the end of the world. The court is such a big deal. Biden will be terrible and set up a red wave at mid terms. National AWB via EO, that will end up in the courts for sure
I love the naivete of you guys talking about how we're going to fix the system for next time. If the Dems are allowed to control the Deep State again, they will fix the system their way so that there will never be an honest election again in this country. America will become a one-party state just like Russia, Venezuela, China, Zimbabwe, and all the other shitholes in which a few corrupt Party leaders suck all the wealth out of the country and laugh at us poor suckers who are still working to supply the wealth that they steal.

Right does not make might. Might kills Right, burns its house down, and enslaves its wives and children. The Democrats want you dead and are willing to kill you. What are you willing to do to defend your country and your family?
My biggest concern with a Biden/Harris presidency isn't what makes it through Congress for him to sign, it's what he'll do by EO. It's also the fact that he'll pick up where Obama left off in purging people from federal departments and agencies who aren't onboard with their plans.
As far as I'm concerned, if an EO is unconstitutional, they can kiss my ass. I won't flout it but I will break (and have broken many) EO's in my lifetime. It's all about flying under the radar as much as possible.
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