Ed Brown Is Rude Shot Show 2012

If I was going to make a WAG, EB doesn't even really care. He knows he will keep selling guns, because his guns are good. So he's arrogant because he has a good product. Same thing with Ceiner and a bunch of other people in the industry. Same thing with Robinson Armament, etc.

The people who can afford regularly plonking out the kind of coin for an EB, Nighthawk, Wilson, etc, are going to keep buying his guns, even if he is an a**h***.

Part of what I don't get is why this youtuber is such a drama queen, though. EB is a dick, get over it. I would have spent like 10 seconds on the guy and moved onto someone else. Of all the people at SHOT to talk to or interview, why expend that much effort on someone who is obviously a dick? [laugh] It would have been better if he simply said "I went to shot and I wanted to interview EB, but he was a huge prick, so instead I went and interviewed so and so". Now because EB blew him off he's going on this like EB jihad or something.

I watched that whole video and there was a beta-mag dump of butt-hurt. I'm not doubting someone like Ed Brown could be a pretentious ass (just ask M1911 about Mitch Rosen), but if you have all this "proof", then show it.

ETA: It's M1911.....he didn't post that many times for a noob to use lower case when mentioning his name!
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It was too boring to watch the guy bitch and moan for 10 minutes about EB's rudeness, so I fast forwarded and didn't hear all his whining.
What I saw in the last minute was an old guy clearly irritated by the pesky cameraman trying to shove the camera into his face.
The video cleverly does not show what happened immediately before the botched interview. Was the interviewer rude and obnoxious himself? Did he catch EB in a bad moment and forgot to ask for an interview? Not impossible, IMHO.
You don't diss Tom from YouTube's weaponseducation channel and expect it to not hurt your business. Ed Brown will get his comeuppance.
I'll admit it. I watched the whole thing. However, in my defense, I kept waiting for the punchline. I figured Ed Brown was going to come running out and nutpunch the guy or something. What a whiny, PMSing bitch. I'd love to see a graph with Ed Browns sales both before and after this douchenozzle's video. I bet they don't change much.
BOO HOO Ed Brown sat in his expensive booth, which he paid for, with his expensive handguns, which he owns, and was talking to his friend, who is probably more interesting and didn't talk to me and help me make my video. He's a bad bad man. WAAAAAAAA
You don't diss Tom from YouTube's weaponseducation channel and expect it to not hurt your business. Ed Brown will get his comeuppance.

not sure if serious...

weaponseducation is nearly as long winded as nutnfancy with an even more annoying voice. Never really saw any content worth watching come out of his channel when I was still subbed to him.
The only men I've known who have asked for an apology have been gay men. What a waste of 10 minutes.

Uh, apologies are one way of telling if a prick who has done you wrong has any remorse for what he has done. It's not a gay thing; it's a weeding of the occasional a-hats from the habitual ones.
And this is the downside to youtube: every single siss-bag asshat uses it as a platform to bitch and whine when in reality they were the root of the problem.
He'll need at least a Caterpillar D9 to get all the sand out of his vagina. You don't ambush someone for an interview regardless of the setting.
I'll spend $7k on an Ed Brown before I spend another second on a weaponseducation video.
I demand an apology from weaponseducation for making me watch a whiny video because someone doesn't want to talk to him on camera.

Oh noes, nobody will ever buy a Ed Brown 1911 because of that idiot. That sounds logical.

Also Warren Buffet can be arrogant too. I'm never buying anything he has ties to again. Is that even possible?
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