Dumb Arguments About Gun Control


NES Member
Aug 2, 2019
Central Ma.
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"Not-Senile-At-All Joe Biden inarticulately joined the “Take All The Gunz” chorus the other day, joining the rest of the socialists, socialists lite and fake Indians who make up the Democrat slate in thinking we’ll just hand-over our arms because of their wanting us to. There are good arguments against their position, including not wanting to rip our country apart with a bunch of Waco redos, but I don’t argue except for money, and I especially don’t argue about my gun rights since they are not up for debate. If I were to argue over the right to keep and bear arms, my position would be simple. Fifty percent of my “argument” would consist of the naughty word the media squees over Beto now uses when babbling about disarming us, plus the word “you.”
The elite, including their pet media, are no longer lying about how they are not going to try to take our guns. They are now all in on disarming you. We need not worry that Donald Trump will roll over on gun rights because that’s political suicide, and a hara kiri move that would leave his family at the mercy of a Democrat Department of Justice who will no doubt be much less picky with his people about who they charge with crimes then they have been with Democrat faves. However, there are weak-hearted GOP congressmen and senators who would love to surrender because that’s what squishes who read the NYT and respect it do. They need to fear our electoral wrath. They need to know that we will destroy them at the ballot box if they allow their cowardice to bring our country to the brink of chaos by empowering the same folks who brought you Spygate, and who let Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit off, prosecute millions of Normal Americans for “crimes” that are legal acts today and that the Constitution says are our natural rights.
What we need is swift SC decisions that preempt any sort of bill that Congress or the States want to pass. Identify what arms-in-common-use are would go a long way to eliminating any sort of "buyback" or MA/NY/NJ/CT/CA bans on rifles pistols and magazines.
What we need is swift SC decisions that preempt any sort of bill that Congress or the States want to pass. Identify what arms-in-common-use are would go a long way to eliminating any sort of "buyback" or MA/NY/NJ/CT/CA bans on rifles pistols and magazines.
That's why Ruthie needs to "retire" and Trump can nominate a woman that actually respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Potential nominee profile: Amy Coney Barrett - SCOTUSblog
Yes there are many that will vote on a 2a only platform on both sides, however most in the country do not vote on a single issue platform . We must be careful this could become a reality.
Yes there are many that will vote on a 2a only platform on both sides, however most in the country do not vote on a single issue platform . We must be careful this could become a reality.

Or what?

Seriously -- "Turn in your semi-automatic assault weapons" OR WHAT?

They gonna try to prevent the number of "gun violence deaths" we experience today by inciting a civil war where how many will die? How many cops will get shot trying to take someone's guns? How many cops' and politicians' families will get sniped to disincentivize them? How many people will die in that engagement? And guess what, the people with the guns won't lose a civil war over whether or not we get to keep our guns. So after the war is "over" we'll be right back to where we are now -- with an intact Second Amendment.
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