Driving to work this morning and almost lost it

I have seen 'Obama 08' stickers on Prius's that are way newer than that. Who puts outdated campaign stickers on their cars? These people are mentally ill.

There are still cars rolling around in PROC (cambridge) with John Kerry stickers on the bumper. [rofl]

I need to respectfully disagree. There is no way in hell that current politicians could unanimously agree to a definition of infringement. Try to imagine this crop of losers trying to write a US Constitution as elaborate, succinct, and time tested as our forefathers did. Even if they could come close to doing it, which I argue that they couldn't, it would be a minimum of 100,000 pages or more of fantasy BS!

I know what Rob is saying, and it's accurate as hell in terms of what would need to be done, but this is also Truth.

The U.S. has become so incredibly litigious nothing is simple anymore. Every word gets picked apart and argued over to death.

Beyond that, our spineless, corrupt, scum sucking lawmakers who wouldn't know leadership if it slapped them in the face wouldn't even be the ones drafting the document. The NRA, S&W, etc. would be fighting a proxy war against the Brady Campaign.
Repealing it is the only legitimate, Constitutional gun control tactic that the Statists should employ. If successful, the response would be anice armed Revolution. So I think that it changes a lot, if the Statists have the balls.

LOL, if it were only that easy. No politician outside of like 6 of the anti states is going to pick that hill to die on in a con-con.

If it's ever even possible most of us here will be dead, and the moonbats will have had the memetic strength to change the publics sentiments towards gun
ownership, which if anything, in the past 10+ years, has been generally been going in OUR direction, not theirs. Particularly when you get outside of the anti
shithole states.

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And when you remove them there is a clear paint discoloration that you can see from orbit. I get it you want to put a sticker on your car, place it on the glass and when it's time to remove it it's that much easier.

Unfortunately, you don't have as much room to put things on the glass. I know, because I'm filling the back glass on my truck up with pro-2A stickers. You need to leave enough of the glass free so that you can still see thru it. But I do agree that I won't put anything on the paint (or even bumper) since it's a PITA to remove.

I enjoy getting in front of vehicles like the OP saw, and then slowing down so that they have enough time to read what I got up there. [rofl2]
This state is dominated by such people that want to do away with the 2nd amendment.

They are all for free universal health care.
A country that accepts any person that wants to live here regardless of if they do so legally.
A place where everyone earns the same amount of money.
Where you are who you identify with..race, sex or otherwise.
Color is colorless and equal rights for everyone.
As long as it is their will that is being imposed!

Reality is a distant place to these folks.
Money is what the govt. prints when it needs cash.
No accounting takes place. Due to the money coming in is not equal to the amount going out..
They are always right! Logic has no place in their argument!
They live in their own little utopia and am blind to the problems of other people that aren't as wealthy or live in the poorer side of town.
Saving the environment at all costs. While driving a car with a trunk full of toxic batteries..
They treat their animals better than they would a homeless vet.
They don't like to have to do things for themselves and want the govt. to do it all for them!
They want others like the police protect them. Because they can not stand confrontation!

They do have conviction and proudly stand for their beliefs. I give them that!
Something MA firearm owners could use more of!
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Ok, call the cops. The finger is freedom of speech. Who cares if u get stopped while carrying? As long as u have a proper permission slip your good.
I would have flipped him off and pulled in front so he has to stare at my veteran plates

Have fun explaining yourself to the cop who just got the call about "this guy driving recklessly and waving a gun at people in traffic". I don't engage other drivers, even stupid ones, because I don't need that level of excitement in my life.
You probably made him excited, the whole reason these moonbats put on that kind of sticker is to rustle jimmies. Why give someone like that the satisfaction?


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I do not write many traffic citations. Mostly I give verbal or written warnings. When I decide if I am issuing a citation several factors come into play. How bad the offense was, for example did someone roll through a stop sign or go through it without even slowing down... People's past driving record, the driver's attitude (this weighs the heaviest). If someone admits what they did wrong ( this helps them)...... And last but not least stickers that may be on their Prius or Subaru. Some people want more government, sometimes I give them exactly what they want.
Maybe my imagination, but driving quality overall has seemingly dropped from a cliff in the last 1-2 years. It seems rare now when people use blinkers, sometimes slamming brakes to take an abrupt left, doing 40-50 in the left lane-and refusing to change lanes while holding up dozens of vehicles, maybe it was always this bad, just seems worse recently.
Maybe my imagination, but driving quality overall has seemingly dropped from a cliff in the last 1-2 years. It seems rare now when people use blinkers, sometimes slamming brakes to take an abrupt left, doing 40-50 in the left lane-and refusing to change lanes while holding up dozens of vehicles, maybe it was always this bad, just seems worse recently.

Nah - sorry, my bad. I've been jumping ahead of cars with Obama or Lizzie or Bernie stickers and slowing way down and being obnoxious. You're just caught by friendly fire.
Maybe my imagination, but driving quality overall has seemingly dropped from a cliff in the last 1-2 years. It seems rare now when people use blinkers, sometimes slamming brakes to take an abrupt left, doing 40-50 in the left lane-and refusing to change lanes while holding up dozens of vehicles, maybe it was always this bad, just seems worse recently.

I blame all the tech in newer cars for lane drifting or collision avoidance making people think they don't need to pay attention or use signals and such. I also see far too many people using their phones while driving. It's easy to tell when their heads dip down and they start lane drifting.

How about the people that take an exit (on the right) from the far left lane with about 50 feet of highway left. Instead of just going to the next exit and looping back. IMO, nothing is so critically important that you can't do that, instead of risking causing a pile-up or getting into a collision.

BTW, had a collision happen this morning on my way to Burlington, MA about four vehicles in front of me. Saw the vehicle in front of the one I was behind brake hard, and go into the break-down lane. Truck in front of me braked hard, and so did I. Very glad I have all wheel disc brakes now. Now, if it had been a prius that was either hit, or did the hitting, that would have been epic (after seeing this thread). [smile]
Nah - sorry, my bad. I've been jumping ahead of cars with Obama or Lizzie or Bernie stickers and slowing way down and being obnoxious. You're just caught by friendly fire.

Funny thing is the left lane crawlers have 50% chance or higher of having RI tags.
Having a H, Lizzy, Bernie, O or any other liberal puke sticker definitely has an impact on how I drive near you. Same thing goes for someone sporting a NRA, GOAL, SIG, Glock, S&W, ect sticker.

As for the driving abilities of people... It sucks. Simple and basic skills are just not taught anymore. They don't have a clue what they are doing 80% of the time. Just watch them drive in a parking lot.
One of the most fun things I ever did was take an advanced driving training course with a big truck on a skid pad covered in 2" of snow. The instructor, me and a buddy were the only ones who showed up that day so we were not rushed at all. He would put you into a skid and you had to get yourself out of it in various situations.

Told him (instructor) the only thing missing was a 12 pack. [smile]
Pulled alongside a Prius heading north and saw the "H" sticker on the back window, as
he pulled further ahead I saw he had a "Repeal the 2nd Amendment"
sticker on his bumper.
I pulled up next to him and got his attention and gave him the bird.
A special kind of stupid was this man.
Infuriating [sad2]

I really wish I could leave this Moonbat cesspool of a state
saw this on FB


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Pulled alongside a Prius heading north and saw the "H" sticker on the back window, as
he pulled further ahead I saw he had a "Repeal the 2nd Amendment"
sticker on his bumper.
I pulled up next to him and got his attention and gave him the bird.
A special kind of stupid was this man.
Infuriating [sad2]
I really wish I could leave this Moonbat cesspool of a state

Hopefully you don't drive to the city you'll stroke out man getting worked up over bumper stand then the traffic and awful drivers who don't use directionals etc.... not worth it everyone has an opinion on everything
Sorry, I have no issue with Anti, or Commie or Hildebeast, or whatever stickers you want to have.

I'll not flip you off ( I'm very mellow driving, anyways) for expressing your opinion.

Now, my younger son (who was not able to vote [sad]) had Trump stuff on his ride. He got flipped off frequently. "How many times have you flipped of Hillary cars?" He said, "Never." This is good. Just because someone is not on your side, there's no reason to be rude.

Hopefully you don't drive to the city you'll stroke out man getting worked up over bumper stand then the traffic and awful drivers who don't use directionals etc.... not worth it everyone has an opinion on everything
not even close, I was very cool , nonchalant about it, just kind of pissed me off (Listening to Charlie Baker on WAAF at the same time probably didn't help.) that I'm surrounded by these morons
Maybe my imagination, but driving quality overall has seemingly dropped from a cliff in the last 1-2 years. It seems rare now when people use blinkers, sometimes slamming brakes to take an abrupt left, doing 40-50 in the left lane-and refusing to change lanes while holding up dozens of vehicles, maybe it was always this bad, just seems worse recently.

And why have people stopped going right on red?
Had a similar experience today... Guy had the sticker for Elizabeth warren and one saying "guns are the problem not the solution." I didnt do anything other than look over so I could see what a massive pussy looks like.
not even close, I was very cool , nonchalant about it, just kind of pissed me off (Listening to Charlie Baker on WAAF at the same time probably didn't help.) that I'm surrounded by these morons

Good good, I get to listen to after hours with Amy flippin Lawrence in the morning when I go in. Although there's no traffic to contend with driving into Boston at that hour I still can't get away from the bs if I want to listen to what happened the previous night in sports.
Maybe my imagination, but driving quality overall has seemingly dropped from a cliff in the last 1-2 years. It seems rare now when people use blinkers, sometimes slamming brakes to take an abrupt left, doing 40-50 in the left lane-and refusing to change lanes while holding up dozens of vehicles, maybe it was always this bad, just seems worse recently.

I say the same thing all the time, I'd like to add not shutting off there high beams to the list
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