Don't you love the Globe?

the Globe is bad but the NY Times is worse, if you can imagine. check out the much better Washington Times website:

Emily Miller writes for them. she's the reporter who wrote many articles about her saga trying to get a legal gun in Wash, DC . if she was a criminal it would be a cinch!
the Globe is bad but the NY Times is worse, if you can imagine.

I can, since the times owned the globe for the ten years I worked there. The whole paper, top to bottom and from concept to print, became FAR worse when they took over. Take it from someone who saw the hypocrisy and all-around suck from the inside. The times motto ought to be "Do as we say, not as we editorialize". They preach all this lefty bullshit as they run the business in a way that would make every evil, big business, corporate conservative applaud. They treated the employees there like garbage. Say what you want about the globe as a newspaper, but the Taylors were at least honest in that regard and didn't use the paper to pretend they were dems. If the times were to burn to the ground tomorrow, I'd be happy as someone who despises both their stance and how full of shit they are.
Glock and .357 aren't necessarily incorrect. .357 can be .357 Magnum or .357 SIG (G31, G31, & G33)
ITs not a failure. Its not even bad reporting. In fact, its not reporting at all - its propagandizing a political point by appealing to the lowest common denominator possible - what Limbaugh (and I hate quoting him) refers to as the low information crowd.

A lot of liberals are very well educated: they make up the core of the Globe's leadership, but not necessarily their readership, because educated liberals, whose bias towards firearms and all things conservative is a given. This kind of reporting is not meant to educate, its meant to plant deliberate, if not completely untrue seeds in the minds of those who cannot or will not think for themselves.

In my opinion, these are the people we need to be very wary of - one or two of them aren't a threat, they're laughable. Hundreds to thousands of them blindly following the command structure's every whim, without ever researching or thinking for themselves, are. Like a pied piper, the Globe leads the dirty rats out of their sewers, into the Letters to the Editor column, into their legislators office and eventually, their disease manifests in the form of new laws and an attitude that we as gun owners, are the vermin, when all the while THEY are the vermin.

We need an exterminator. The infestation is at near epidemic levels.
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