Do NESers actually shoot their guns?

Top 5 signs you are anal-retentive

Posted March 1, 2009 in Fun

1.You keep large redundant amounts of all your sundries such as laundry detergent so that you never risk running out.
2.You don’t just sort the money in your wallet by $1, $5, $10, or $20, but also sort the bills by wear-and-tear so that you get rid of the bills in the worst shape first.
3.You look up anal-retentive to see whether it needs a hyphen.
4.You don’t just keep a grocery list, you micro-optimize order of the items on the grocery list so that you only make one pass through the grocery store.
5.After a power outage or when Daylight Savings Time starts or ends, you feel the need to set all your clocks to the same minute and second.
6.It really irritates you when someone says a list has 5 items and you count six.

If you think my first post was bad, I also left out:

The number of rounds since last cleaning per firearm, the number of rounds I have stored per caliber, broken down into type broadly (surplus, JHP, reloads, etc.). The number of reloads I've made per caliber, total reloading expenditures.

This is just firearm-related. I also have a spreadsheet tracking my bill payments to each obligation per month since 2009, and a spreadsheet to track which shirts I've worn to work. I purge it periodically but at present the furthest day I still have logged is Monday, April 3, 2017. Perhaps understandably I've received some flak for the shirt list.

I can't do analysis if I don't have the data.
If you think my first post was bad, I also left out:

The number of rounds since last cleaning per firearm, the number of rounds I have stored per caliber, broken down into type broadly (surplus, JHP, reloads, etc.). The number of reloads I've made per caliber, total reloading expenditures.

This is just firearm-related. I also have a spreadsheet tracking my bill payments to each obligation per month since 2009, and a spreadsheet to track which shirts I've worn to work. I purge it periodically but at present the furthest day I still have logged is Monday, April 3, 2017. Perhaps understandably I've received some flak for the shirt list.

I can't do analysis if I don't have the data.

How else would you know when to retire a shirt?

(You're def worse than me...)
And here I thought this forum was about boating.[smile]
As I keep reading about all these boating accidents. Where everyone was talking about loosing their guns in one..[rofl]
I do actually keep track of how much I ammo I put through each gun. Especially rifles since some parts actually need to be replaced. Rifle barrels and extractors don't last forever. At least not if you shoot a lot.
My newest guns probably have the most rounds through them. Just bought a Glock 2 months ago and already have about 3000 rounds through it. Probably about 2000 through the MKIII that I got in June as well. The ones that see the least use are the ones that are for defense only. I probably have about 300 rounds total through my G27 that I bought 20 years ago. I had never been much of a carry guy. (I don't dance though)
If you think my first post was bad, I also left out:

The number of rounds since last cleaning per firearm, the number of rounds I have stored per caliber, broken down into type broadly (surplus, JHP, reloads, etc.). The number of reloads I've made per caliber, total reloading expenditures.

This is just firearm-related. I also have a spreadsheet tracking my bill payments to each obligation per month since 2009, and a spreadsheet to track which shirts I've worn to work. I purge it periodically but at present the furthest day I still have logged is Monday, April 3, 2017. Perhaps understandably I've received some flak for the shirt list.

I can't do analysis if I don't have the data.

It's nice that they let you pick out your own clothes,but honestly I really am surprised they let you around guns.
I know some people seem to have gun ADD. They buy one gun then see whatever the new shiny hotness is and need to own it but in order to justify purchasing it they need to sell the gun they had for less than a few months or however long.
I know some people seem to have gun ADD. They buy one gun then see whatever the new shiny hotness is and need to own it but in order to justify purchasing it they need to sell the gun they had for less than a few months or however long.

Im like that but Ive got it under control more or less. If I get a craving for something, I'll do all the research and then wait a week or two. If after that the itch is still there, I'll pull the trigger on it. More often than not, it fades and I may still like whatever it was but not enough to reach into my pocket.
Im like that but Ive got it under control more or less. If I get a craving for something, I'll do all the research and then wait a week or two. If after that the itch is still there, I'll pull the trigger on it. More often than not, it fades and I may still like whatever it was but not enough to reach into my pocket.

Same here. I read everything I can find, as well as watch the market to get a feel of average price so I know if I'm buying at a fair price. Like you, if the obsession/itch is still there after the research phase, and it's available, I will buy.
If it's a new Glock, it's because they found a way to get them at free-state prices, and realized they can turn em for a quick $200-300 profit.
It's like the adult people that buy action figures. They buy 3. One to play with. One to leave in the box on the shelf. And one to sell.
Don't all gun owners here buy one to shoot and one to sell?
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Glock 19 owners that own 2 or 3 of the same gun.. Never know when you have to sell it for a hefty profit and still want one for yourself.
Only been to the range a few times in the last year. Been concentrating on getting my house in MA ready to sell, expeditions here to NC to look for houses, and now a few trips down to begin the moving process.

There is a range nearby that goes out to 500 yds, which, once I get settled in here, I'll be sure to hit up.
I shoot a good bit in July and August since I'm off from work that time of year, usually 2-3 times per week, about 200-300 rounds each time. September until the time changes I probably do 2-3 times total. After the time changes I almost don't go at all since I enjoy shooting most outdoors. When the time changes again in the spring, maybe once a month until school gets out. All my guns have at least 1000 rounds through them. I don't keep track but I'd guess my 10/22 has at least 5000 on it. I always bring one pistol and one rifle to the range.
Wow, appreciate the honesty and restraint here. I have a serious problem. I absolutely love shooting, literally everything about it. From packing up my gear, unpacking at the range, shooting the guns, the smell of the gun powder, the coolness factor, the comradery amongst shooters, and yes, even cleaning my guns. Sometimes I even go in the safe multiple times a day just to check on the kids, maybe pick a gun up, fondle it, rack the slide etc.. I admit, maybe i'm over the top, but I literally enjoy every single aspect of shooting. When I drive away from the range after a session, i'm already thinking about the next time I can go. I try to get to the range 2-3 times a month, but it can be tough with 3 kids, full time job and now a head coach of a youth hockey team. I don't know if I will ever say I don't enjoy shooting because for right now in my life, that couldn't be further from the truth. First step in fixing a problem is admitting to having one and I fully admit that I have one.[smile]

I remember one time I let all my guns nastiness build up, use after use, just so I had a reason to spend hours and days cleaning them. Something about cracking open that bottle of #9 and being left alone in the basement while I clean away. Its relaxing to me.

Same here. I love everything about shooting. I wish I had time to go to the range more often! I'm one of the weirdos that actually enjoys cleaning their guns (and, if I'm being honest, the wife's guns as well) [wave]
A lot of times I buy something, shoot it, clean it, and put it away. Since the local range went to "only 1 round every 5 seconds" (and neighbors text the rangemaster if you double tap, and he shows up), I've dropped my membership there. Now I have to go 25 miles away, and time is limited with work. Also, lots of "surprise" bills have popped up, so those barely used guns get sold. So it's not all salesmanship....
A lot of times I buy something, shoot it, clean it, and put it away.
my friend, you're not alone here. i said the same thing in an earlier post. i'm sure a bunch of others do the same. i have a couple of carry guns and the rest of the safe is filled with range toys. most of them have a box thru 'em then i do exactly as you. [laugh]
I'm saving every round of ammunition for the end of the world or the zombie apocalypse.
Which ever comes first![smile]
The Only thing stopping me is lack of time.
If you all seen me do my lunch break range trip you think I was a hyper kid hopped up on Jolt soda...
I sell guns as needed. Many guns picked up over the last 30 years where bought on the cheap from people who needed quick cash. I have about 10-12 guns right now I want to move.
I'm saving every round of ammunition for the end of the world or the zombie apocalypse.
Which ever comes first![smile]
if your screen name suggests you're an old guy of 68 years, you, my friend, have to not worry about neither. shoot your ammo! [grin]
Secretly stashing everything away for my post apocalyptic black market arms merchant venture![rofl]
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Just went out the other day! Only spent about 45 mins at the range, 100 rds 9mm, then it got dark. My question is, how often do nes'ers clean their guns? Usually I do each range trip, I've neglected them this month though...
I whittled down the collection quite a bit. At this point I only have what I will shoot. I carry the smaller version of the gun I compete with, so they get shot quite a bit.

I am in the mind set lately that the less crap the better. The more stuff you have, the more it owns you.
I whittled down the collection quite a bit. At this point I only have what I will shoot. I carry the smaller version of the gun I compete with, so they get shot quite a bit.

I am in the mind set lately that the less crap the better. The more stuff you have, the more it owns you.

I came to the same conclusion, and started selling off the ones I don't shoot. Then I bought two more and now I'm building two more...
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